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Stress response


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Hey team x I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected. 
I don’t post much anymore as I’m mostly better now, but one thing hasn’t gotten better and that is my response to stress. 

in the beginning of my recovery I had a couple of run ins with someone, and as I got angry, it was like my adrenaline system just went into overdrive, and spiked so fast it was actually quite a scary feeling. My heart rate didn’t just raise it excellerated to a point that kind of exceeded the amount you would expect for the situation.

I just lost a close family member, and unfortunately there are some unsavory people that I have had to keep in line. We’ll try to. Anyway my stress response is still absolutely off the charts, to the point where I’m seriously worried about my heart. I know losing someone is a difficult time, and stress is expected, but this is like when Bruce banner turns into the hulk for reals.

im just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It’s feels like a very abnormal response. Even calming techniques don’t work and of course afterwards I get zero sleep.

thanks buddies x 


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Oh Shayna, I am so sorry for your loss, losing a Family member is so hard, and very stressful as you well know. Time will help with the stress of that, But you are right it is not good for our body to have ongoing stress, but gosh it is hard at times to rein it in, I have been lucky to have dealt with stress and just let it go, once I understood that I had to stop stressing. But recently I have been under a lot of stress that was overwhelming and scared me, because it was taking everything from me, mostly my overall strength. Thankfully it is gone now, My biggest hurdle, I was trying to change things that I had no control over and finally I had to accept that there was nothing I could do, but accept the changes, or I would have to move on in life. I felt like it was sapping the life out of me. I feel for you, I know how you struggled back from the benzo pit of hell, and gave so much to others here at BB, you have given Hope and laughter to many. I pray that you will feel better soon and the stress lessens soon for you. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

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52 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

im just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It’s feels like a very abnormal response. Even calming techniques don’t work and of course afterwards I get zero sleep.

Yes, outside of indestructible insomnia, I consider myself healed except for my stress response. It takes me a very long time to calm down from a stressful scenario or even anticipatory stress. 

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2 hours ago, [[b...] said:

Oh Shayna, I am so sorry for your loss, losing a Family member is so hard, and very stressful as you well know. Time will help with the stress of that, But you are right it is not good for our body to have ongoing stress, but gosh it is hard at times to rein it in, I have been lucky to have dealt with stress and just let it go, once I understood that I had to stop stressing. But recently I have been under a lot of stress that was overwhelming and scared me, because it was taking everything from me, mostly my overall strength. Thankfully it is gone now, My biggest hurdle, I was trying to change things that I had no control over and finally I had to accept that there was nothing I could do, but accept the changes, or I would have to move on in life. I felt like it was sapping the life out of me. I feel for you, I know how you struggled back from the benzo pit of hell, and gave so much to others here at BB, you have given Hope and laughter to many. I pray that you will feel better soon and the stress lessens soon for you. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

Thanku beautiful be ❤️ I’m so sorry u have had a tough time lately too. Life can be so hard but no one is immune, it comes for us all eventually. I am glad that things are easier for you now. You are so right. I can’t control this and I need to accept it for what it is. I just really struggle to reconcile the way people act in situations like these. I get so disappointed in people it just feels so overwhelming and sad. And unnecessary. I think what we go thru in wd must damage our stress response badly because it feels broken to me. I need to keep the cast on a lot longer it seems. Thanku for your words they are spot on ❤️ Sending love back to u xx

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2 hours ago, [[I...] said:

Yes, outside of indestructible insomnia, I consider myself healed except for my stress response. It takes me a very long time to calm down from a stressful scenario or even anticipatory stress. 

Oh I am so with you. The insomnia is a beast and any stress just sets me back regardless of how much progress I make. As sorry as I am to hear you are going thru this too I am so greatful for your reply to help me normalize it. I hope one day we get to have our regular old stress response back. I guess time needs to pass some more for us. So hard to be zen in this crazy world 😔

thanks so much buddy x sending u a big air hug 🤗 

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53 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

Thanku beautiful be ❤️ I’m so sorry u have had a tough time lately too. Life can be so hard but no one is immune, it comes for us all eventually. I am glad that things are easier for you now. You are so right. I can’t control this and I need to accept it for what it is. I just really struggle to reconcile the way people act in situations like these. I get so disappointed in people it just feels so overwhelming and sad. And unnecessary. I think what we go thru in wd must damage our stress response badly because it feels broken to me. I need to keep the cast on a lot longer it seems. Thanku for your words they are spot on ❤️ Sending love back to u xx


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I have this same issue. One of my remaining symptoms is heightened anxiety 24/7 but if something unexpected happens it just goes off the charts and takes forever to calm down. I also hope that someday my stress response goes back to normal. 

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Oh mate I’m sorry to here it effects you too. Having anxiety all day is bad enuf without that extra surge to deal with. I remember when I was still really sick I would get a massive surge of adrenaline/cortisol as soon as I opened my eyes and it was so upsetting.  That’s what this feels like now I’m thinking about it. 
Our poor bodies. I guess it’s the adrenaline cortisol system still just being totally broken. I wonder if it ever gets better. 🤦‍♀️

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On 13/08/2023 at 16:11, [[S...] said:

Hey team x I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected. 
I don’t post much anymore as I’m mostly better now, but one thing hasn’t gotten better and that is my response to stress. 

in the beginning of my recovery I had a couple of run ins with someone, and as I got angry, it was like my adrenaline system just went into overdrive, and spiked so fast it was actually quite a scary feeling. My heart rate didn’t just raise it excellerated to a point that kind of exceeded the amount you would expect for the situation.

I just lost a close family member, and unfortunately there are some unsavory people that I have had to keep in line. We’ll try to. Anyway my stress response is still absolutely off the charts, to the point where I’m seriously worried about my heart. I know losing someone is a difficult time, and stress is expected, but this is like when Bruce banner turns into the hulk for reals.

im just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? It’s feels like a very abnormal response. Even calming techniques don’t work and of course afterwards I get zero sleep.

thanks buddies x 


Shayna:   Sorry you are having this response to a difficult situation/people.   I know this is probably not much consolation, but I am sure it will calm down in time.   I hope you are doing well otherwise.   It is always good to hear from you!   Keep going!

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Thanku Dec! I’ve been feeling like checking in and posting more lately, just to see how everyone is doing. But this new site is so confusing. I don’t know where anything is! I hope ur doing well ❤️
it got pretty scary yesterday and I actually asked my hubby if he thinks I should go to the drs. But he reminded me of how much stress we’ve been under, and that my body is still healing so not to worry too. 
I guess when u start to feel better to feel bad again is pretty scary. But I remember the crushing chest pain I had every day in wd and after. So if I got thru that, I can get thru this too ❤️Thanks so much for ur lovely reply xxx

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Hey Shayna! 

Sort of glad you posted this and wanted to empathize with you. I occasionally get intermittent rage that’s so bad I want to punch someone’s lights out. I’m pretty passive as a person, but the adrenaline is abnormally hard to control, it almost feels like acid. My heart beat starts going crazy too, but I’m less worried at 31 years old over a heart attack. Sometimes I do get bradycardia that lasts a few minutes where I can feel my heart slowing down sometimes. 

It’s seriously scary how uncontrollably angry you get and it’s wayyy outside normal. Obviously no two persons experiences are the same but just letting you know someone out there experiences the 0-100 feeling occasionally. 

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Oh wow Thanku so much cali! That’s exactly how I feel! I had a huge argument with a neighbor a few weeks back too that was the first time it happened and it was like woah! I ran across the street and started screaming and him and when he said I was a loud mouth woman well I just went even harder 😬 in my defense tho, these people are hoons, and we’re drinking and one of them sped off and lost control and hit a lamp post. Our street is full of families and elderly people, and I got such a scare he had hit someone I thought right, this guys going down. I think people in the street think I’m crazy now unfortunately.

But the way I felt seriously scared me and then it happened again twice this week. That’s what it’s like tho, and afterwards it just takes hours to calm down. 

my hubby started calling me Rambo 🤭

so greatful I’m not the only one, even tho I wish I was so u weren’t dealing with it too. It’s awful x


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Shayna,

Good to see you're still around, I haven't been around much, I just popped in "quickly" to catch up with my blog :wacko: that was a good hour ago and I still haven't found my way round :2funny:

I'm sorry you're struggling with your stress response - #me also!  Thanks to unresolving Graves' issues my past ptsd symptoms have come back to haunt me and I'm raging... too much, I'm generally too scared to leave the house for fear of an outburst in public, punched the laundry wall last Monday and the bedroom wall yesterday - yes, now I have a hole to fix.

Trying to find a new get a referral to the Psych that visits nearby but he now consults at the Medical Clinic I don't trust, so not seeing him then I guess.. I've found an online referral system through SANE australia. Maybe they can help me, help me.


I have found that really trying to pay attention to my mood can help me pull back before I react but that does take practice and doesn't always work (see above^^).

I find that idiocy is a trigger (not me of course, them):2funny:.


The only thing I can suggest in the short term is:

1 - try to identify your triggers

2 - pay attention to how you feel

3 - grounding exercises... I read some today.... I'll go see if I can find them.. 




SOUND: Turn on loud music
Loud, jarring music will be hard to ignore. And as a result, your attention will be directed to that noise, bringing you into the present moment.
Touch: Grip a piece of ice
If you notice that you are slipping into a flashback or a dissociative state, hold onto a piece of ice. It will be difficult to direct your attention away from the extreme coldness of the ice, forcing you to stay in touch with the present moment

SMELL: Sniff some strong peppermint
When you smell something strong, it is very hard to focus on anything else. In this way, smelling peppermint can bring you into the present moment, slowing down or stopping altogether a flashback or an episode of dissociation.

TASTE: Bite into a lemon
The sourness of a lemon and the strong sensation it produces in your mouth when you bite into it can force you to stay in the present moment.

SIGHT: Take an inventory of everything around you. CONNECT WITH THE PRESENT MOMENT by listing everything around you. Identify all the colors you see. Count all the pieces of furniture around you. List off all the noises you hear. Taking an inventory of your immediate environment can directly connect you with the present moment.


If you know that you may be at risk for a flashback or dissociation by going into a certain situation, bring along some trusted support.

Make sure that the person you bring with you is also aware of your triggers and knows how to tell and what to do when you are entering a flashback or dissociative state.


It is useful to have a selection of grounding exercises that you can draw upon to keep your mind and body connected and working together, particularly for those times when your are becoming overwhelmed with distressing memories, thoughts and feelings.

People who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or adult sexual assault can sometimes be confronted by flashbacks or intense memories of what was done, to the point that they are feel as if they are back there, re-living the abuse all over again.

Grounding exercises are a way for you to firmly anchor yourself in the present.

The following grounding exercises are about using our senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) to build our mind and body connection in the present. In working through the grounding exercises suggested here, you might find one or two that work for you – remembering only to use the exercises that you feel comfortable with.

- Remind yourself of who you are now.
Say your name, your age now, where you are now, what you have done today and what you will do next.

- Take ten breaths, focus your attention on each breath on the way in and on the way out. Say number of the breath to yourself as you exhale.

- Splash water on your face.

- Sip a cool drink of water.

- Hold a cold can or bottle of soft drink in your hands. Feel the coldness, and the wetness on the outside. Note the bubbles and taste as you drink.

- As you wake, during the night, remind yourself who you are, and where you are. Tell yourself who you are and where you are. What age are you now? Look around the room and notice familiar objects and name them. Feel the bed your are lying on, the warmth or coldness of the air, and notice any sounds you hear.

- Feel the clothes on your body, whether your arms and legs are covered or not, and the sensation of your clothes as you move in them.

- if you are with other people, and you feel comfortable with them, concentrate closely on what they are saying and doing, and remind yourself why you are with them.

- If you are sitting feel the chair under you and the weight of your body and legs pressing down onto it.

- If you are lying down, feel the contact between your head, your body and your legs, as they touch the surface you are lying on. Starting from your head, notice how each feels, all the way down to your feet, on the soft or hard surface.

- Stop and listen. Notice and name what you can hear nearby and in the distance.

- Hold a mug of tea in both hands and feel its warmth. Don’t rush drinking it, take small sips and take your time tasting each mouthful.

- Look around you, notice what is front of you and to each side, name first large objects and then smaller ones.

- Get up, walk around, take your time to notice each step as you take one then another. Stamp your feet notice the sensation and sound as you connect with the ground.

- Clap and rub your hands together, hear the noise and feel the sensation in your hands and arms.

- Wear an elastic band on your wrist (not tight) and flick it gently, so that you feel it spring back on your wrist as it snaps.

- If you can, step outside, notice the temperature of the air and how much it is different or similar to where you have just come from.





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Hey Casper honey x yeah I’ve been thinking heaps about everyone here lately. I think it’s good to come back and help people coz I thank god for everyone who helped me. Without them I wouldn’t have survived. 
I definitely think there’s a ptsd element in what I’m going thru. I was diagnosed with it during wd. I don’t know if I fully believed that diagnosis but I definitely have some of the symptoms. Like startle reflex, that was off the charts when I was sick, and also this just creeping anxiety and panic and feeling attacked. That was going on before I really got sick. But losing my brother in law in the identical way to my brother almost 10 years to the day, definitely took me back to that time and I started feeling those feelings again.

I remember reading on here people having stress induced setbacks and I can say for sure it is real. I’m doing better but I had to up the unisom again and I’ve found it really hard to find the motivation I had before. I’m so tired all the time. Anyway 

thanks so much for these tips honey. I will definitely use some if “beast mode” takes over again ❤️

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very thoughtful and helpful posts today. I'm dealing with anger issues around family stuff and its so good to know I'm not alone. 

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7 hours ago, [[S...] said:

I’m so tired all the time.

That for me is the killer. It means I have no patience for the little stuff and it all piles on :hug:

If the anger doesn't subside on its own, make sure you do some sort of therapy stuff  to get on top of it before it gets on top of you - I'm there & it's not pleasant. The SANE Aust guided therapy was a bust - I don't qualify. Trying to find something else I can do online........


7 hours ago, [[g...] said:

I'm dealing with anger issues around family stuff and its so good to know I'm not alone. 

Sorry to hear that graced :hug:My ptsd stuff is mostly family related so I understand how hard that is. You aren't alone.

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It’s so frustrating because I had stopped keeping a sleep log because I was doing so well. Now I’m back to tracking because it’s gotten so bad. I guess I am a cautionary tale for others. It’s not worth getting ur knickers in a knot. Let the shit go ❤️

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I hear that, I stopped tracking stuff too, I thought it was all Graves' but who the ****  knows  :classic_wacko:

10 hours ago, [[S...] said:

Let the shit go ❤️

Trying, trying :hug:

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Hi Shayna and everyone!  I too have just started to come back after a while away and OMG I can't figure anything out on this new forum.

Shayna so happy to hear you have gotten so much better, and sorry that you are dealing with such a loss and the associated stress. I can corroborate that my stress response is not normal following this benzo experience.  If I get stressed it so out of proportion to the problem.

I had been doing just brilliantly since Xmas 2022 but am now in a setback after experiencing something like a severe IBS episode in reaction to using that Allulose sugar substitute.  I got better after 3 weeks then BAM ate an italian sandwich and I have been ill ever since.   From everything I can gather I think I have mast cell and histamine issues now.  Feeling overwhelmed and missing the old gang and boards that are no longer there :classic_sad:


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23 hours ago, [[c...] said:


I hear that, I stopped tracking stuff too, I thought it was all Graves' but who the ****  knows  :classic_wacko:

Trying, trying :hug:

Yeah I know babe me too. Also I got so tired of trying to figure it all out. Right now I am feeling shithouse after 2 days without sleep, and after faking my way thru work all day. Ugh when will it end!

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11 hours ago, [[D...] said:

Hi Shayna and everyone!  I too have just started to come back after a while away and OMG I can't figure anything out on this new forum.

Shayna so happy to hear you have gotten so much better, and sorry that you are dealing with such a loss and the associated stress. I can corroborate that my stress response is not normal following this benzo experience.  If I get stressed it so out of proportion to the problem.

I had been doing just brilliantly since Xmas 2022 but am now in a setback after experiencing something like a severe IBS episode in reaction to using that Allulose sugar substitute.  I got better after 3 weeks then BAM ate an italian sandwich and I have been ill ever since.   From everything I can gather I think I have mast cell and histamine issues now.  Feeling overwhelmed and missing the old gang and boards that are no longer there :classic_sad:

Hello lovely dee!!! Yes I hear u I was doing amazingly too until lately and the wheels have completely fallen off the wagon. It’s just awful. And if I’m being completely honest really effing annoying since it had nothing to do with anything bad like drinking or any of the other stuff we aren’t spose to do. I guess we will need to go thru life with a bullet proof vest so we don’t feel anything too while we’re at it. Bloody ridiculous arms length list of things to avoid in this mess. Oh so know Italian sandwiches either?!?!? Wtf! God dam u benzo devil why can’t we just have a tasty sandwich if we want to 🖕🖕

dee I’m so sorry u have had a setback too. Have u tried slippery elm or peppermint? They helped me so much with my tummy stuff. My gi stuff is better but I still struggle every know and then. What do u think it was in the sandwich? Preservatives maybe? It’s crazy how sensitive we are to things. Be nice to take the breaks off one day wouldnt it 🙄

ps new site = 😱

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I just wanted to add a couple of heavy things have happened to me in the last week and it didn’t upset me too much but my sleep has taken another massive hit so outwardly I show no emotion but obviously it’s doing damage inwardly. Definitely need to prioritize excercise and relaxation to get me thru this bump 

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14 hours ago, [[S...] said:

Hello lovely dee!!! Yes I hear u I was doing amazingly too until lately and the wheels have completely fallen off the wagon. It’s just awful. And if I’m being completely honest really effing annoying since it had nothing to do with anything bad like drinking or any of the other stuff we aren’t spose to do. I guess we will need to go thru life with a bullet proof vest so we don’t feel anything too while we’re at it. Bloody ridiculous arms length list of things to avoid in this mess. Oh so know Italian sandwiches either?!?!? Wtf! God dam u benzo devil why can’t we just have a tasty sandwich if we want to 🖕🖕

dee I’m so sorry u have had a setback too. Have u tried slippery elm or peppermint? They helped me so much with my tummy stuff. My gi stuff is better but I still struggle every know and then. What do u think it was in the sandwich? Preservatives maybe? It’s crazy how sensitive we are to things. Be nice to take the breaks off one day wouldnt it 🙄

ps new site = 😱

Thanks Shay! Yes I think the sandwich had a ton of parmesean and/or preservatives.  I was in love with it at the time - now not so much.  Yes I found peppermint very useful for the tummy cramps.  I was very impressed.  BTW my Dr. has suggested that I follow a "low-elimination" diet with emphasis lower fiber to give my gut a rest.  She may be on to something - I hope.

Sorry for all your stress my dear Gal!  Be good to yourself and allow yourself GRACE.  You don't have to be perfect for everyone.  Put yourself first now and then.  Smooches!

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23 hours ago, [[D...] said:

Thanks Shay! Yes I think the sandwich had a ton of parmesean and/or preservatives.  I was in love with it at the time - now not so much.  Yes I found peppermint very useful for the tummy cramps.  I was very impressed.  BTW my Dr. has suggested that I follow a "low-elimination" diet with emphasis lower fiber to give my gut a rest.  She may be on to something - I hope.

Sorry for all your stress my dear Gal!  Be good to yourself and allow yourself GRACE.  You don't have to be perfect for everyone.  Put yourself first now and then.  Smooches!

So unfair Dee. I hope it all settles for u soon. Very upsetting to battle so hard to get better then get knocked back into it just for eating something yummy 😔

we’ll get there x soldier on ❤️

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