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34 Months Off & I Am In A Very Severe Wave


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Went cold-turkey off valium back in late Sep of 2020. 

Had a variety of symptoms over the years but by far my main symptom has been right-side leg, thigh, buttock, flank/side and abdominal muscle pain.

Had seen some improvement in this last year and I did have some reasonable windows but for this past 4-5 weeks my muscles have been mind-numbingly painful.
There are days when I can barely walk.

Anybody out there who has had similar issues so far out?


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Anniversary waves are definitely a thing. I was mostly fine 12 months out, but now that I'm 24 months out I feel like I'm actually having a long wave again. I feel like the further out I get, the waves get less intense and further apart, but they also seem to last longer, which is a trade-off I'm willing to accept but still doesn't feel great.

That said, have you talked to a doctor at all? I'm not the biggest fan of doctors anymore, but there is a possibility that you just have a pinched nerve or something unrelated to withdrawal. If I've learned one thing, it's that most symptoms are just the withdrawal, but that doesn't mean all symptoms are. The reason I say this is that our bodies are still going to experience weird pain unrelated to withdrawal, so you're well within your rights after 3 years to start blaming things other than withdrawal. However, anniversary waves are real and can feel like they take forever to pass, but eventually they do.

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It is normal brain healing process apparently. Waves become less intense over time and after your functionality normally rises. From what I have studied and experienced in cortisone withdrawal before.

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Thanks for the replies.

Apart from my annual medical check-ups and a recent colonoscopy ((where nothing abnormal/unusual was found) I have not talked to any doctor recently.

I have thought that it could be a pinched nerve type symptom but since the pain/burning sensation is so widespread it would then have to be pinched nerves all up and down my spine (and just on my right hand side).  I have also had this pain/burning sensation in those same areas ever since stopping valium.

My muscle pain symptoms started within a few days of quitting valium and have mostly been one the same side, in the same areas, ever since.  Usually though the pain is not this severe and not in all of these areas as once.  For the past 4-5 weeks though, all areas are extremely sensitive so that is why I think it is a major wave.

I have read other BB people talk about anniversary waves but I have not seen anyone explain why they happen and I have no idea.  I have also read for many BB people the waves get further apart and less intense.  I really cannot say that.  It just seems to be pain, followed by more pain.

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