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Is a klonopin taper done by your provider considered a medical procedure? 

I'm awakened enough out of this fog to realize how badly screwed i am. What recourse do I have? My provider that "supervised" my taper doesn't even seem to realize what withdrawal is, never educated me about it, and won't acknowledge my situation. 

I'm angry.


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Here is the main resource for you: 

"Ashton Manual - Benzdiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw"

You could look for a benzo-wise pdoc.

BZD taper is not a medical procedure.

Don't blame yourself. There was a reason why you started taking these meds. You need to find out that reason.

Self-awareness is quite helpful: what drove you to take the BZD in the first place. It’s important to eliminate the cause, at least to try. Here's a quote by my fav philosopher:

“If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.” 

 Baruch Spinoza

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12 hours ago, [[E...] said:

Don't blame yourself. There was a reason why you started taking these meds. You need to find out that reason.

I know why I took them. Started in 2008. Bigger question is why didn't I stop them sooner? Would it have made any difference.?

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14 hours ago, [[S...] said:

Is a klonopin taper done by your provider considered a medical procedure? 

I'm awakened enough out of this fog to realize how badly screwed i am. What recourse do I have? My provider that "supervised" my taper doesn't even seem to realize what withdrawal is, never educated me about it, and won't acknowledge my situation. 

I'm angry.


I understand your anger.  SO sorry!  I don't think it really matters how long you've been on them.  From what I understand, it just depends on the person.  I've been on them since before 2008.  

Most providers aren't educated about benzo withdrawal, so yours is more the norm.  Here's a list of benzo tapering cooperative providers.  The providers in my area who are on this list are incredibly expensive.😳

Benzodiazepine Tapering Cooperative Providers - Benzodiazepine Information Coalition (benzoinfo.com)


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I’ve been on and off the BZD since age 20. And guess what... until 2014 they were prescribed mainly by my Mother. There was a long period when I took Ambien “only“.

It's not a typical BZD but a very nasty hypnotic med with a half-life of 2 hrs. So I got terrible interdose WD everyday at work.

Mother would prescribe me anything, just to make me work and make good money. Cause they both love money and I was able to earn a lot. Plus I like to work. I like my job. Even on 2 hrs' sleep. Finally the pdoc told me I was dying from lack of sleep and malnutrition, ending all this nightmare.

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On 13/08/2023 at 08:42, [[E...] said:

Here is the main resource for you: 

"Ashton Manual - Benzdiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw"

You need to find a benzo-wise pdoc.

BZD taper is not a medical procedure.

Don't blame yourself. There was a reason why you started taking these meds. You need to find out that reason.

You need self-awareness: what drove you to take the BZD in the first place. You need to eliminate the cause. Here's a quote by my fav philosopher:

“If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.” 

 Baruch Spinoza

Hi Estee,

I know you're speaking through your own experience but please remember to avoid using prescriptive words like need, should, must.  We're not here to tell others what they should do, but to offer suggestions.  I know it may seem trivial but it's important we remember to adhere platform guidelines. 

Please adopt a non-prescriptive writing style. Relating your experiences, stating options, or posting suggestions of what other members might do are all welcome. However, advising members of what they should or must do is against the ethos of the BenzoBuddies Community. Nor should you attempt to 'diagnose' medical problems or suggest medical treatments to other members. This policy also applies to members with medical qualifications. A more detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice document.


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On 13/08/2023 at 07:42, [[E...] said:

Here is the main resource for you: 

"Ashton Manual - Benzdiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw"

You need to find a benzo-wise pdoc.

BZD taper is not a medical procedure.

Don't blame yourself. There was a reason why you started taking these meds. You need to find out that reason.

You need self-awareness: what drove you to take the BZD in the first place. You need to eliminate the cause. Here's a quote by my fav philosopher:

“If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.” 

 Baruch Spinoza

I'd give anything to find a benzo-wise doc, but they aren't to be had where I live, an out of the way town on the NW coast. Also, it's my insurance, what will it cover.  We might start seeing Benzo-wise doctors with that as their specialty, that can't be too soon for anyone who is stuck with "old school" docs.  For now, I follow what others have shared here, I am lucky my provider will still give me my 'script so I can taper from that.  Because he does not know about benzos, or does but not the tapering that works.  I have found my way because of BB and those that have gone before me, those that share their history, type of taper, what worked good for them, and what didn't.  I knew which one I was going to try ;) Denise

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3 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Hi Estee,

I know you're speaking through your own experience but please remember to avoid using prescriptive words like need, should, must.  We're not here to tell others what they should do, but to offer suggestions.  I know it may seem trivial but it's important we remember to adhere platform guidelines. 

Please adopt a non-prescriptive writing style. Relating your experiences, stating options, or posting suggestions of what other members might do are all welcome. However, advising members of what they should or must do is against the ethos of the BenzoBuddies Community. Nor should you attempt to 'diagnose' medical problems or suggest medical treatments to other members. This policy also applies to members with medical qualifications. A more detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice document.



Post edited! I’m not a native speaker of English and I was extremely tired writing this. You know, there is 7-8 hrs difference between the US and Eastern Europe, where I live. It was late at night here.

Anyway, thank you for the reminder. Constructive criticism is always welcome and I like to learn. So “maybe you could find a benzo-wise pdoc“ would be more appropriate?

I remember having used the word “need“ three times in this post and I didn't like it myself. But was too tired to correct. I think "could" is more appropriate, really. Doctor Albert Ellis had some interesting theories concerning “shoulds“ and “musts“😊 The guy literally saved me from my perfectionism, I owe him so much. 

I didn't want to scare @[Su...] by all these "needs" but it was so late at night here and I was starving. Saw that lonely post and felt sorry for the girl. There was some serious emotional turmoil with Kitty's health lately and all these technical changes with the new platform didn't help the situation.

But you guys did an awesome job, especially @[Co...]. I don't know who else here is so IT savvy, but I really admire people having such advanced IT skills. They are like magicians🔮 Free English lessons always welcome, I'm probably overconfident with my English. Sorry it was so long🙈

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12 hours ago, [[E...] said:


I’ve been on and off the BZD since age 20. And guess what... until 2014 they were prescribed mainly by my Mother. There was a long period when I took Ambien “only“.

It's not a typical BZD but a very nasty hypnotic med with a half-life of 2 hrs. So I got terrible interdose WD everyday at work.

Mother would prescribe me anything, just to make me work and make good money. Cause they both love money and I was able to earn a lot. Plus I like to work. I like my job. Even on 2 hrs' sleep. Finally the pdoc told me I was dying from lack of sleep and malnutrition, ending all this nightmare.

Your mother prescribing is a huge kick in the guts

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3 hours ago, [[o...] said:

I'd give anything to find a benzo-wise doc, but they aren't to be had where I live, an out of the way town on the NW coast. Also, it's my insurance, what will it cover.  We might start seeing Benzo-wise doctors with that as their specialty, that can't be too soon for anyone who is stuck with "old school" docs.  For now, I follow what others have shared here, I am lucky my provider will still give me my 'script so I can taper from that.  Because he does not know about benzos, or does but not the tapering that works.  I have found my way because of BB and those that have gone before me, those that share their history, type of taper, what worked good for them, and what didn't.  I knew which one I was going to try ;) Denise


It's our job to educate them. Doctors are only human. You print tables from the Ashton manual and show it to them. Of course, if the doctor is cooperative. I always trust my gut. One look at the person and I know if I'm willing to work with them.

We also have a nice online catalogue of pdocs, with photos and patients' opinions. I would never go to any doctor without browsing it first.

Without a sense of connection, without trust, it's difficult to work together. Some pdocs are really willing to learn. "First do no harm" - they firmly believe it.

Others, I would never see again in my life. Had a pdoc once who made me so depressed that Husband had to come fetch me after each appointment, due to safety concerns. I left his room crying. Although he didn't care as much about my BZD dependence as about other problems with my psyche. And was pushing all kinds of adjacent meds on me. He knew I was suffering terribly, but wasn't able to feel/show compassion.

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16 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

Your mother prescribing is a huge kick in the guts

She's all about image and perfection. And I was scared, so scared... of people. Now I know I was scared of them. Parents. Cause I expected as much contempt and dissatisfaction from any other human being I interacted with.

She was adamant about hiding the fact that I fell sick and that her husband was emotionally unstable. No leaks of information. I should have told Grandfather (her Father) who loved me unconditionally and hated Father. But I believed it was all my fault. That I should never have been born.

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