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Clonzapam withdrawal


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I have be taking clonzapam for 7 years .my doctor advised me to stop it.I have been 1 month off clonzapam.but my confidence to go out of room has decreased.plz help 

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Hello Harpal, welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Did you taper the Clonazepam, how are you feeling? 

I had agoraphobia when I was recovering from my cold turkey but it faded and I could go out but I still had a lot of fear.  

If you let us know a little more about your situation, we can hopefully let you know what to expect. 


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I'm a little confused, you mentioned in your previous post you had stopped the Clonazepam a month ago, did you reinstate?  

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It takes most of us a long  time to recover once off the medication, what you're experiencing is normal.  Long term users of the drug can expect recovery to take many months but symptoms will ease as time goes on. 

It can help to record your symptom severity so you can see you're actually recovering, its very difficult to acknowledge we are because the drug has us focus on negativity, its difficult to access positives emotions. 

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I went through a time of agoraphobia, it was fairly mild compared to what others have experienced so I was able to force my way through it.  I remember being afraid of so many things I'd never given a second thought to, but the fear left as I recovered, I'm predicting yours will too. 

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hello @[Ha...]

I’ve recently had a similar experience. I was on K for 8 years .5mg 2x daily.  The doctor took me off in a week which is really no different than cold Turkey.  I had the same symptoms as you described and much more.. I couldn’t function without the K so I was reinstated and at least I feel functional now.  Not sure how long I will stay on it, but for now I need to be stable in order to work. This is my experience 

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