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Is this windows & waves


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Not sure if I am experiencing windows and waves. Never get a day with no intrusive thoughts, but some days I get part of the day where I can cope, then like someone flicks a switch and go into meltdown for no apparent reason. Is this what windows and waves is like. Husband arranged appt with a psych spoke to on zoom call previously but I’m not seeing her. Horrible woman described me as not being normal tried put me on anti psychotics, normally deals with dementia patients. Just wish I would get a whole day symptom free. Is this what normally happens and the the good periods gradually increase, and previously every day was pretty grim.

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Your description is spot on Leann, "a flick of the switch" that's what windows and waves are like.  You can be feeling okay, then a few hours later feel dreadful.  Keep on moving forward, then one day you will get that whole day free of symptoms.  Then the good days will eventually begin to outweigh the bad ones.  Distract as much as you can, go for a walk, listen to your fav music, try anything that stops you focusing on symptoms.  I know its hard leann, and there's no easy way,  tell yourself every day, no matter how bad it is, this is temporary. 


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I needed to hear this, too,  Magrita, as I just had a string of good days and then woke up to a bad day today…..still happening at 40 months.   I will get up and get out of the house as sometimes just focusing on something else than symptoms, will see the symptoms disappear! 
Good luck, Leann!!!!

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Thanks Magrita sure hope so. I can wake up start making plans for the day, then bang crumbling, crying mess. Is it a sign my brain finally trying to repair itself, as previously just felt low all the time. The psych was actually really helpful, my husband described my years of living with a mother who seemed incapable  loving me, and she actually said meds won’t help, going try get me some therapy on NHS. Refreshing change get a professional doesn’t want to dope you up.Mine is a mixture of withdrawal and emotional stress guess one triggers the other, hope you soon feel better GG. 

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Thanks guys I literally can’t do anything just sit and cry all day. Lot of stuff from my toxic family seems be coming to a head, so not really sure if it’s a wave or just lit emotions coming to the surface. Guess better out than in. But def not functioning at moment.  I probably am spending too much time on here, but not had a variation in symptoms like this before hence all the questions.

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