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Sick after four months off


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I have been off benzo for four months and I’m sick everyday 

nauseous headaches the past five years I was prescribed Colonazapam.5 up to three times a day I was taking it once to twice a day made the mistake of going into a rehab they gave me lorazepam up to 5 mg a day for six days then they cut me off 

I was left in torture and have been suffering damage everyday - I’m wondering if it’ll stop I’ve lost a lot of weight and again ongoing headaches dizziness nausea nothing helps 

anyone else been thru this 

also having swallowing issues had bad muscle spasms body pain still very bad 

does this improve or am I just damaged help 🙏

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Hi @[An...], unfortunately, you're still very early in recovery and what you're describing sounds like typical symptoms.  I know you're miserable but you're recovering, it just takes too long.  I quit cold turkey, which is basically what you did and I fully recovered, and you can too, hang in there, okay?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pamster I’m so sick it’s everyday the nausea headaches bones hurt joints hurt issues swallowing it’s a lot 

nothing helps ease the pain and nausea- last dose was end of March and this has gone on everyday I’m so sick nothing can explain it I did have Throst issue which they gave me antibiotic for I feel like I’m dieing there are days my head I just can’t move from the couch and everyone thinks I’m must have sone sort of illness - I’m scared of everything of course I also was in a very bad situation snd have ptsd my eyes are so blurred and looks well those went away any help or ideas please I need constant hope I’ve even ask dr about home health I’m just so sick this is the beginning of six month nothing taste the same either very small appetite but the nausea snd dizziness dr wants me have a MRI 


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It’s been now six months not a benzo I was on these prescribed for five years then went to a rehab were they basically overdosed me on Ativan for seven days to send me out with nothing for the past six months I’m fighting everyday nauseas muscle aches headaches dizziness feel so sick nothing helps snd dr says no way is this still benzo - need help please 

I am just wasting away and very sad no one but just me and tv I’ve tried to just have a day and relax and  the nausea headaches go 24/7 haven’t drank my eyes I have no water my mouth is so dry and eyes just so blurred pray 🙏 I

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None of the tests doctors want to perform on us show anything wrong, but its always a good idea to get checked out if you’re concerned.  Peace of mind is important but be prepared for your doctor dismiss your symptoms or label you with a mental condition which he’ll try to medicate you for. 

This is what we feel, this is what we go through to be free of the drug, for most of us, its the worst experience of our lives because its not only the physical pain, its the mental and emotional torture. The drug won’t allow us to have hope, it robs us of who we are, we lose our connection to ourselves and others, its the complete destruction of who we once were.

But, when we recover, all of this is gone, we go back to who we were, and for me at least, there were no lingering symptoms, no PTSD, only joy at being recovered.

I read the success stories, clinging to any hope they offered, have you read any of them? 

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Angel, based on what you wrote, you will be fine but it takes time. In my case the first year was a mess, second better and third even much better. 

I was in the same situation you are right now and i thought I was dying or have serious brain damage. Met several neurologist and asked all kind of tests. They all came back negative.



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Hello @[An...],  Withdrawal symptoms are really hard to cope with.  It will take time for your system to adjust.  In the meantime it can be really uncomfortable.  Please keep reminding yourself that it is temporary, that it make take a while but you are healing and you will continue to heal. @[Pa...] suggested you read Success Stories - I hope you will - Success Stories can help you hold on to hope.  I read them constantly when I was in the first months of withdrawal.  

Self care is also very important during withdrawal.  Gentle exercise, relaxing warm baths, a walk outside listening to the birds, eating a healthy diet... small things can help support our healing.  I know this is hard but it will get easier over time.

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Hi I’m very sick everyday this is six month I’m nauseated dizziness weak and my hair is shedding turned a different texture even I feel like I’m dieing this morning had food actually in my mouth when I woke up - is this related or what’s going on I’m soo tired my eyes are blurred was in kolonpin for five years then dr added Ativan I too I’m sick24/7 

no one to be supportive or help my mom is actually very mean and says probably will be gone this year -very hard situation issues with swallowing too 


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It sounds like you're in the thick of early withdrawal and the symptoms are making you miserable.  Unfortunately benzo withdrawal can be rough for a while before you start to feel better.  When I was in early withdrawal every symptom scared me and I worried I would never feel good again.  It took time but gradually the symptoms eased up and I recovered.  This is the way withdrawal tends to go.  You will find the strength to get through this too.

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Your swallowing issues are common, since benzodiazepines are such great muscle relaxers, our muscles complain when we take them away.  Stressing over our symptoms can actually make them worse so finding ways to distract yourself is critical.  Can you get outside, take a short walk to get outside of your head for a few minutes?  Even a few moments of relief can give us hope.

Your hair will return to normal when you recover so please don’t worry about that, our bodies are phenomenal, repair is what they do best.  Every cell in your body know’s what to do and they’re busy doing it.  

You’re way ahead of many of our members, you’re already benzo free and recovering, others have to complete their taper then start on the long road of recovery, you got this. :thumbsup:

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