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Tight throat muscles by submandibular glands anyone?


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Ok so I have bad health anxiety and run to the dr for every symptom demanding tests and I’m over it and so are they. 

Anyone get tight muscles in the front of your neck/throat and it feels like your lymph nodes or submandibular gland should be swollen but it’s all normal?

I already know my thyroid is fine and I had a yearly gyn appt the other day and she checked my neck and felt nothing. It definitely is stronger the more revved I am or the more I pay attention to it. 

I’ve had symptoms that came and I freaked out and had tests and low and behold they left shortly after… I think if I try to not give it the attention it wants that it may go away. 
I think my limbic system is just going nuts and maybe I should stick to what my Gupta coach says about giving it indifference.

But I just wanted to see if anyone else has it come and go? 

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On 10/08/2023 at 10:43, [[h...] said:

Ok so I have bad health anxiety and run to the dr for every symptom demanding tests and I’m over it and so are they. 

Anyone get tight muscles in the front of your neck/throat and it feels like your lymph nodes or submandibular gland should be swollen but it’s all normal?

I already know my thyroid is fine and I had a yearly gyn appt the other day and she checked my neck and felt nothing. It definitely is stronger the more revved I am or the more I pay attention to it. 

I’ve had symptoms that came and I freaked out and had tests and low and behold they left shortly after… I think if I try to not give it the attention it wants that it may go away. 
I think my limbic system is just going nuts and maybe I should stick to what my Gupta coach says about giving it indifference.

But I just wanted to see if anyone else has it come and go? 

Benzo's are great muscle relaxers and when we take them away, they complain and it sounds like yours are!  Our symptoms will wax and wane, its crazy how they move, change, go away then come back with a vengeance, no wonder the doctors all think we're nuts and give us labels we don't need or want. 

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22 hours ago, [[P...] said:

Benzo's are great muscle relaxers and when we take them away, they complain and it sounds like yours are!  Our symptoms will wax and wane, its crazy how they move, change, go away then come back with a vengeance, no wonder the doctors all think we're nuts and give us labels we don't need or want. 

Exactly! They think I’m nuts by this point and it makes me so sad because this is not the real me at all! 

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This has probably been one of my worst symptoms!  For me, the tight muscles in the throat have been terrible.  Ironically it went away for about 2 months to the point where I said to family, "Thank God the throat muscle thing is gone... remember when I was constantly complaining about that one?"  and then low and behold it came back in July and is still with me.  UGH!  Hence, Pamsters quote of they can "leave and come back with a vengeance!"  I'm holding out hope that since it left at @ 11-12 months out and came back at @ 14 then there's hope that it will leave again but for good!  The one thing I've noticed is that it's not as tight as it used to be (if that makes sense).  Early on when it started I could barely breathe at times.  I would have to throw my head back and stare up at the ceiling just to relax the muscles in order to get a deep breath.  Now I just have to pause and concentrate on my diaphragm and I'm okay.  Nevertheless, try explaining it to anyone outside of this community and they have no idea what you're talking about because it's quite honestly not something that anyone has ever experienced such as a "normal" pulled muscles, etc.  

For reference, I went to a chiropractor last week for an issue with my shoulder, and after only 2 minutes of the exam, he asked with concern... "Have you ever been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or RA?"  Of course, I replied, "No" and he said, "I've honestly only seen this degree of widespread muscle rigidity with those two disorders and I'm a bit concerned!"  Any other person would have been rushing to get tested for the latter two but I had to just shrug it off to being par for the course after 20+ years of Benzo use and tapering.   Well, I pray it's just that, right?  

Here's to the muscles in both of our bodies finding a way to FINALLY relax!  


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