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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

i loved all your comments and thank you but still going to detox

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Welcome back home, Genuine Honest. I'm so touched by the way you described BB. I feel the aura too.


I just wanted to say that warmth has helped me when I had terrible pains in my legs and whole body for that matter, from a 5 day taper from Xanax. I know you can do this, but when I did that fast taper I had to go to a medical hospital for a few days to be taken care of. Just listen to your intuition, if you feel too bad, go to the hospital (not detox). Take care and I will be looking forward to reading your posts again!



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Does a non addicitve pain killer like panodol any one know help with pain in the body for benzo with drawal.... This pain in the legs espacially the back of the legs are intense and i would love to know anyones feedback
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genuinehonest, I'm not familiar with what panadol is. I looked it up though. If it is a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) you aren't supposed to take it with a benzo.


Is there a nurse-line you can call to find out if it's safe to take? Can you call a medical clinic? Do they have walk-in urgent care clinics where you are? I think it might help if you can talk to someone about what to do. I hope you feel better soon.

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sorry i got the spelling wrong    it is panadol used for head aches muscle aches and back pain... no codeine and safe.. might be called differant in other parts of the world. i am just wondering does any one take anything for aches and pain that is non addictive and does it help.I am feeling so bad and a little scared, but i am not going to go back on and have been reassured that no matter the pain and so forth that is not life threatening...  Wow, but how can this pill do this to a person...I feel guilty for abusing it in the first place and lying to the doctor that i was taking it every now and again, but he gave me it for a short time answer to the pain i was suffering emotionally... That first night of total calmness got me hooked... That was only 5 milligram but that did not last long as the same affect..I think i am speaking from not the only one... In a week i am going to a retreat where it is massages and just concentrating on myself and getting my brain right to get back on with life..

It might be a little pampering and might be massages and spas and all sorts of things, but i think why not...

The detox centre was a prison full of young people that really were only detoxing to get back to their drug... The most shocking experience of my life..When i heard i had HIV i thought i would never hear or do anything that could be worse than hearing those words, but now i have seen and been in something much worse...

Most of them in there had hepatitis c and they only 20...

bloody awful...thank god i got my benzo buddies back...

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L123, I agree with you 100% about going to detox to get off benzo's. I left there in great distress and was traumatized. I was taken down from 7.5mg to 1.5mg Ativan in less than 2 weeks! It was the most horrible experience I have ever had in my entire life. I also was at the point where I couldn't do anything. I was so weak, couldn't sleep, couldn't hardly eat, and I had a terrible time showering, and many other things. Needless to say I ended up back on the Ativan only in a smaller dose and got a second opinion. I still can't believe I actually survived it. Slowly swiching to a longer lasting benzo and slowly tapering is the best way to go. I am so glad to be stable right now and ready to start my taper in another month or so. I hope you are doing better too after the detox horror. We learn by trial and error.
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Hi Genuinehonest

Just reading your story, Im sorry its hard for you right now, but Im sure it will settle in a month or two, as they say Valium takes about a month to leave the system so it should improve. I have heard and also tried Epsom salts (contains magnesium) in the bath to ease aching muscles, also I have used the freeze spray occasionally. My legs drive me mad most of the time and I have done a slow (too slow) taper from only 5mg of V.

If you go for any massages make sure they are only light ones and not deep tissue as they call it, as alot of people say it makes their w/d worse, I went for a spa day with my daughter a while ago and had a massage and I felt my w/d worse for about a week.

Good luck, at least you are off the poison now and can start to heal, it just takes time and patience (which we havent got  lol) that is what is so cruel about benzos it takes such a long time to heal. But each day will bring us nearer.  :D

Luv Pauline

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thank you for your lovely comments.Yes it is intense what i am going through and it does come with pain but it still feels good to know i am off those awful pills...  I just don't get how that pill has made me everything i am not..It stopped me from doing everything i ever enjoyed which is ultimately life...Made me a hermitt living in a bedroom and not even watching television as i could not take any negative thoughts that the TV had to offer...


I know the healing has begun and last night i got a brief window and it did feel good to have a shower and lie down and feel relaxation with out pain and with out fogginess or racing mind///


I have never been to prison, but i have went to the next best which was that detox centre and my god, hell behind walls.. i will never forget it.

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What really hurts about this is the phycological guilt i have from this, by blaming my doctor for even thinking of putting me on these pills... He was only trying to relax me for some personal trauma i had heard and advised me to only take when needed, he told me they were addictive and he hates prescribing them. He told me everything i needed to know..The bottle itself said make you drowsy, do not drink alcohol and be very careful driving or heavy machinery..Yet i saw the DO NOT AS DO.

My doctor was so disappointed when i finally confessed to him that i had been doctor shopping and the lies i told him and basically did not want me as a patient, but still his duty of care found me a way to get off them slowly and recommended detox to get me off them quicker at a later stage...

All a human wants is to feel normal, enjoy life for what is has to offer and feel you have a sense of purpose, yet since i went on these i have been a zombie and have no idea what has been happening the last few years with life gradually becoming lower and lower, till it became my bedroom..That's not life, but i was so afraid to do anything that my comfort zone was my bed...Bed ridden at 45 even makes me sick to think, but one step at a time to recovery.

Bed should be for only sleeping, but i ate in bed when i had appetite. watched television, when i could, hated even getting up to go to the toilet and being all alone the mind starts to wander, and it always leads to negative thoughts, In my case not suicidal, but dwelling on all my mistakes from the past and of course that brings on anxiety and that brings on depression and the viscous circle starts again..


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Panadol used to be sold here. It was the same as acetaminophen(generic) or Tylenol (brand name). It is what I take whilst in the midst of a headache or my shoulders are aching like mad. Ibuprophen(generic), or Advil/Motrin(brand names) causes my anxiety to go berserk and for the tinnitis to rev up. It does not do this to everyone though. Bet better soon :)
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Sorry you suffer this much. Better days coming. I experience some hard pain few days ago. All my body was sore. Probably not much as you but can understand you. Hopefully next day wasn't so intense. Usually I have low back pain. I don't use anything for that. When I have very intense headache I take ibuprofen but it increase my heart rate. So I can't give you some good advice about pain killers to use.

Try not to think much about that detox experience and people whom meet there. Actually try not to think about past and to not examine yourself and your decision. That will give you extra worry what you don't need now. You have to as much as possible relax your body and brain. Take care and be good on yourself. We are here to support you.



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my legs are so sore and today my left leg got really painfull and it full on moved like the muscles were contracting, really scary, feel nauseous and no appetite, heart palpitations and trying not to worry but it is hard. cold sweat before and burning arms...
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It is hard not paying attention when it is so painful. Did you call someone who can tell you what you can use for pain. Hang in there.



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My god this is painfull..i presume a muscle spasm is my leg jerking and going or contracting muscles doing it on their own,. Two questions 1. As i have tapered off slowly the first 6 months from 20 milligram to 8.75 and then went to detox and got off the rest in 6 days and now been 5 days with out a benzo, the doctor assured me it is still safe and i will not get fits  so why i get muscle spasms///


I was told too that magnesium i should be taking every day.... Is this true as i am no sure what is does

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It would be good to make sure you're drinking plenty of water too. Did they give you anything to continue taking at home, what was the protocol there?
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When I quite Valium very fast (in one week 2 mg) after just 3 weeks of use first I thought I am dying and I reinstate immediately that day cause I know I did something not really good for me. I had such a horrible muscle pain, spasm next week or two. It was like I run marathon. Valium is used for muscle spasm and restless legs syndrome so that is why (I think) you have muscle reaction after quitting valium.

I heard that using magnesium can help with muscle relaxation but as you maybe know lot of people here are not supportive in using some supplements. So I am not smart.



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No they gave me nothing, and i know each day i will get better but it is the wait i hate and the not knowing how long i also hate...


I really need this out of my life and thank god i stayed on the lexapro as they tried to get me off that and i am sure it helps me...

This funny stomach i get too annoys me as i feel bloated sometimes and crampy...The head aches come and go and i just feel down sometimes which i don't like.

I have come to far to reinstate as i am benzo free now for over 6 days and want to keep it that way..I am wondering considering i was on this drug for 12 months of how long it would take to get out of my body..Probably an answer that no one can really answer

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No they gave me nothing, and i know each day i will get better but it is the wait i hate and the not knowing how long i also hate...


I really need this out of my life and thank god i stayed on the lexapro as they tried to get me off that and i am sure it helps me...

This funny stomach i get too annoys me as i feel bloated sometimes and crampy...The head aches come and go and i just feel down sometimes which i don't like.

I have come to far to reinstate as i am benzo free now for over 6 days and want to keep it that way..I am wondering considering i was on this drug for 12 months of how long it would take to get out of my body..Probably an answer that no one can really answer


They gave you nothing? they took you straight off without anti-seizure meds?

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they tapered me off the last 8.75 over 5 days 7.5 day one 5 milligram day 2 5 milligram day 3 2.5 milligram 4 2.5 milligram day 5 nothing and i got out at day 10 gave me magnesium twice a day been 5 days with out nothing but  the symptoms are definitely with me and i cant stand my leg twitching and spasms feels painfull... MY MOODS up and down but adamant of.. not going on back on cause i do feel it will not kill no matter how uncomfortable the symptoms...

My legs are so weak i just went up the shop and could hardly walk in and my head ache feeling like very heavy head all sorts of stuff...


I hate this...


So tomorrow definitely getting some magnesium and i just put deep heat on my legs to see if that helps...


I am proud of myself for getting off, but it is hard and even though glad that i got off them i should of listened and kept to my slow taper, but again i was getting with drawl symptoms but not leg stuff and cramps.. bloody awful...

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It's definitely going to take some time John. It is still very early days for you. I tapered from 22mg to 2mg over 12 days, you can inagine what a shock that was to my nervous system and I had horrendous withdrawals in the first 2 weeks including everything you are going through now.


I know my situation was different but my brain was still in shock.


I found the first 10 weeks were very up and down with symptoms lessening a little and with a few windows before getting slammed again.  I am now in week 11 and I am feeling more stable, still some anxiety but now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.


The first couple of weeks may be the worst but as soon as you can try to get out for short walks and distract yourself.  You can't hurry time but you will recover, honestly!



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I really think you should reinstate.  It's been only 6 days and this would be a good time to do so.  Then you can taper slowly and the process will probably be much more bearable.  Why put yourself through this if you don't have to?  In the end, I think we heal at the same rate whether we taper or not (if you include taper time)...it just seems so much more manageable if you have a softer landing. 


The magnesium did help me.  I did not take supplements as I had a phobia of taking any pills at the time.  I ate a lot of almonds (high in magnesium).


The almonds helped give me some anxiety relief and reduced some of the tension in my muscles.

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I just think i have come to far to go back and i do appreciate that you don't want me to suffer... surely each day i am not on them my body has to recover a little as i don't believe i was on a high dose and i was on them for a year.. I DONT know if that is a long time user or not and i don't know if 20 mill is a high dose or not but i did taper down slowly fro 20 to 8.75 and yes the last bit was quick over 5 days.. i actually am sleeping and wake up with no symptoms but as soon as my body starts to wake up i get anxiety, sore all over, and this morning was real funny like this feeling of doom or death... to describe it is so hard but it felt like i was sinking into me or the bed, I am thinking my body is starting to wake up again as all the nerve endings are not getting what they have had for so long...


I am not sure as it is all new to me

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My god this is painfull..i presume a muscle spasm is my leg jerking and going or contracting muscles doing it on their own,. Two questions 1. As i have tapered off slowly the first 6 months from 20 milligram to 8.75 and then went to detox and got off the rest in 6 days and now been 5 days with out a benzo, the doctor assured me it is still safe and i will not get fits  so why i get muscle spasms///


I was told too that magnesium i should be taking every day.... Is this true as i am no sure what is does


Hi Gen,


the only supplements I take are a bit of vitamin C a day (I'm a smoker, about 7 a day and smoking burns through vitamin C) and Magnesium.  If you try the magnesium be sure to get Magnesium Citrate - not Magnesium Oxide.  The Oxide form is not easily absorbed by the body.  I get mine at a health food store, but a good vitamin shop should have it too.  I have taken it for months and it does help relax my muscles and help a bit with sleep.  Just be sure not to take too much or you'll have the "runs" all day.


I have cold turkey'ed off of benzos so many times I can't remember - sometimes on my own (when I didn't know any better) and once in the hospital and then once in the  dreaded Detox.  The worst experience in my entire life.  My worst symptom in neuropathic pain - my skin feels like there's a layer of tinfoil under it, the shower is tortured and clothes are really uncomfortable - I feel what seems like every seam and stitch.  I reinstated after 9 months (bummer) but it did help with the neuropathy - I was going mad.


Well, I wish you the best of luck.  I know you have a tough road ahead but I've been reading your blog and you have allot of friends here who are supporting you every step of the way.  that's what BB is all about!



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If I had it to do all over, I would have did a slower taper. Almost 15 months out now and have suffered tremendously. I guess c/ts and super rapid tapers really shock the CNS. :tickedoff:
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Welcome back John,


Sorry to hear things were so awful in there, but glad to hear you made it through in one piece (although it sounds like you don't feel like you're in one piece).   Hang in there.   Try to keep a long-range perspective.   Think where you're going to be six months out.  That's what I keep telling myself.   I'm giving myself six months to titrate from .33 mg of Klonopin and it's hard to be patient, but I keep telling myself that by the end of the year if everything goes right I'll be clean.


Physically, I'm suffering from lower back pain and intermittent sharp pain in my upper left chest and shoulder, but am still able lift weights and run a few miles every other day, which I feel helps with the mental stuff--anxiety and depression.   Celexa, my anti-depressant, helps a lot, too.   This past spring I went month after month without symptoms, physically and mentally, so not wanting to be on drugs I tapered off the AD.    Big mistake, going off the AD while tapering Klonopin.   After a couple of months I'd had enough of the dark, irrational fears--doom and death, as you say--and got back on them.   Things are better now.


Eat healthy, exercise if you can, and expect to get better over time.    With your determination, I know you're gonna come out on top.  



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