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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

i loved all your comments and thank you but still going to detox

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The doctor said that anti depressants are placebos and no proven ground of what anti depressants actually does. They were trying to brain wash me


This is absolutely true, they were telling you the truth!

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I sorta new that but they do still give with drawls and i was not ready to come off them entirely..To many other issues from just coming off the Valium..You were so right about that rotten detox
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sucks doesn't it.  You'll get better eventually.


I'm no doctor but I think the AD will only make it difficult to know what is withdrawal and what is the AD.


Hope it works out for you.

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the pain i am getting in my legs right now is like me feet are trying to move sorta like contractions really weird and really sore, Why did i do this detox..Now it out of my system surely the healing has to begin
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you did it because you wanted to be off faster.


The leg feeling is really common and will go away eventually.  The only thing you can do is just accept that you are an invalid for a while and figure out ways to cope/get around the problems.


It really is all you can do.

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Wecome back GH - now your true healing will begin!


Try to think positive thoughts...stay calm as your brain/mind is very sensitive; every little ache and pain can trigger anxiety. Loud sounds and certain smells can upset you and set off a rollercoaster of issues.


You can do this!


Take care,



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Welcome back

You did what you think was the best and now try as much as you can to accept your symptoms (easier said than done). That is temporary and have to remember that. You will be fine just need some time to pass. Good that you are at home. Don't stress yourself, be gentle.

Take care



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Welcome back, one positive is that you are off the valium.  Don't go back on it now.  I personally think you should reinstate the SSRI, others may not agree, it would take a few days to kick in as there must be some in your system still I would have thought. 


You will probably suffer - I had awful w/ds but once the worst is over you really will heal and it probably won't take you that long - be patient and hang in there.  You can do this.



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The doctor said that anti depressants are placebos and no proven ground of what anti depressants actually does. They were trying to brain wash me


This is absolutely true, they were telling you the truth!


A/D's are not placebo's in my experience. A placebo is a sugar pill or something benign. Anyone that's ever benefited from an a/d or been through a/d withdrawal will surely tell you it ain't no sugar pill.


It took my several tries over several years to get off of zoloft and that was pre-benzos. I can't imagine a c/t off of both. If the a/d wasn't giving you problems you may want to consider reinstating to ease the w/d, but that's up to you. I'm sorry you had a bad experience in there but at least you got out and are committed to healing.


All I can say is hang in there, plenty of people on this site have healed from c/t and you will too. Hope you feel better soon John  :thumbsup:


Jeff M.

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it is called malvern private hospital in Victoria Australia which www.malvernprivate.com.au

and the health and wellbeing retreat is www.iwhrr.com.au


Malvern private is a 28 day programme and is ain't just detox but also doctors phycologists and phyciatrists in private quarters, then i am going to the other one straight after for 14 days..


This is guaranteed to change my life and i have done a lot of homework...I would suggest you look up retreats in your part of the world and also detox clinics that have 1 month programmes.

I am commit ed to this to make my life and rebirth myself and i cant go through the withdrawals any more...


I hope this helps


Good luck in your recovery. I truly mean that. unfortuantely there is no place like that here.. I don't think so... I wish I could find somewhere to go.. anyway thank yu so much  wishing you all the best in life.  Thank you so much


Luv, Mishi


Good luck in your recovery.. i truly mean that.. Unfortuatley there is no place like that here in the states.. Not that I know of  I wish you all the best in life.. thank you so much.. Let me know how you made out... Be Strong  Luv, Mishi

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Welcome back GH!


I am so sorry you're suffering this badly.  It is actually amazing to hear what the body goes through after C/T.  When I read your post it was as though I could actually HEAR the pain you are going through.  This WILL pass.  So many people on this forum have c/t'd and they got through it and you will too.  You have all of us to "lean on" when needed.  The place you went to sounded so positive and I'm so sorry you were treated w/ that kind of attitude.  But you know the "real you" and you've got the strength to get through this.  Just keep reminding yourself that the benzos are out of you now and it's your body's way of healing. 


ALL the best to you...we'll all be here!


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A/D's are not placebo's in my experience. A placebo is a sugar pill or something benign. Anyone that's ever benefited from an a/d or been through a/d withdrawal will surely tell you it ain't no sugar pill.


I agree. No an a/d is no sugar pill, to think it is, is just silly!


If it were a sugar pill, people wouldn't have w/d from it.


Effexor nearly killed me, so no a/d's are not sugar pills or placebo's!


I'm not Anti-Med, actually an a/d saved my aunt's life, it's the truth!


And we all know Benzo's are not a sugar pill either.


Best to taper off a/d's and so on.


Glad to see you back, genuinehost, hope you're doing well.



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You have hopefully helped a great many people contemplating Detox by posting your experience.  I know the unbelievable suffering that happens from Detoxing and I want to offer you my support to help you through it.


One can't imagine there could be any worse suffering while they are tapering because they are so miserable already.  But I think we can both be a testament to the fact that it can get worse than you could have ever imagined.  But people will only know this by what we say because no one else will warn them, and I hope our experiences will change some minds and help people who are tapering stick it out.


I know first hand what you are going through and I have the utmost empathy for you.  I can tell you it does get better, I am just over 5 months out from my Detox and am improving.


I am glad to see your resolve in never taking another benzo.  I was and still am the same way.  I was also impacted by the young people at my Detox.  So many tragic stories.  Ours will have a happy ending!

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Usually in detox centers they give other drugs like Tegretol to get you off the benzo. This keeps you comfortable for the first few days or so anyway. It's after you go home the terror starts. I was only in detox for a week though. Since you are going to be there longer it might work for you.
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GeniuneHonest, i can truly feel your pain from what you have written and im sorry you had to go through this trauma to know what it is to get off benzos at a detox center as i was contemplating it as well....I juss wanna say thank you for saving lots of us that would have gone through with it cuz we couldnt handle the "taper withdrawal", im sure you take a look back at those withdrawals and its a walk in the park compared to what you are suffering. My heart goes out to you as you probably saved me from doing the same mistake. At least you know the true healing can begin NOW. you dont have to be taking those poisons anymore and finally be off this DEVIL drug thses doctors past out like candy, I cant imagine a doctor telling me to suck it up after that experience, i would of raged against him and probably had a couple security guards hold me down to be honest. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you have a quick and safe recovery from this. As i know you can overcome this with the determination you have to get off this. Take care and be well, this will be a distant memory at some point in your life.
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The doctor said that anti depressants are placebos and no proven ground of what anti depressants actually does. They were trying to brain wash me


This is absolutely true, they were telling you the truth!


A/D's are not placebo's in my experience. A placebo is a sugar pill or something benign. Anyone that's ever benefited from an a/d or been through a/d withdrawal will surely tell you it ain't no sugar pill.

I imagine what the doctor meant is that ADs are no more effective than placebos. That has been very much proven. I'm thrilled that a doctor actually recognizes it for once. Never seen that in my entire life!

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I am sorry to hear that you had such a dreadful experience  :(  I was scared that this would happen to you going into a detox center, and unfortunately it did.  Those places really have no clue when it comes to benzos.


Hunker down, be gentle on yourself and stay strong.



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Thank you all for your great support..I have taken my anti depressant last night and i have no intention of getting of them as yet... Even if it is a placebo affect the brain works in mysterious ways and if it i am thinking it is doing me good then that part of the problem is met... You are all amazing people and for the first time in three days i slept last night..I found this site and i live in Australia and know most of you live 20 hours on a plane for where i am, yet i can feel this Ora every time i come on this site...Thank god for it as it is now ingrained in my head that this is the best way to heal. People power, the art of suggestion, the feeling of comfort knowing i am not the only one..People talk about a higher power and i must say i am not religious and i hold nothing against that are...But i have felt something that is nothing i have felt before, whether it is sincerity,compassion, and empathy which all of you have given me,,, i will use for now as my higher power because it works and gives me a ton of hope...

Yes i did a detox and what really affected me was the young people caught up in the world of drugs, and i was the only one there coming off benzos..TOO SEE THEM SUFFER was hard and to hear their stories made it even worse as i was depressed from i think a withdrawal and this only made it more intense...


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Glad you're back with us :) I was in a psych. hosp. for only a week--and just like others here have said, it was grueling, agonizing, and SO NOT helpful. I was put on Klonopin & Zoloft--to 'replace' Xanax. Withdrawals from Xanax occurred despite the K & Z. And, after I was released...the suffering really began. Wish I had found this site before I went to p. hosp. But, we are all getting better/stronger every day :yippee: Glad you're off the Benzo. We are all here for one another :angel: T2
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Glad you're back home.  My detox experience was HORRIFIC!  In fact, I just got an email from the facility about an alumni weekend.  I replied back to this staff member and told her about all of us, the accidental addicts, and how they need to be more aware of the fact that people in our situation are not good candidates for their programs.


To my surprise she wrote back (a recovered addict herself) saying she could tell I wasn't an addict when I was there and she KNEW I wasn't appropriate for the program but what could she do?  She also had benzo wd for 8 months and knew I wasn't making any of this up.


I asked her to pass along all the info. I gave her to the doctor I saw there.  It was all I could do to possibly spread awareness so someone else doesn't end up there.  The cynic in me believes they will continue to take people like us anyway, just for the money, and turn a blind eye.  


So I will also reiterate here, to anyone who will listen.  Do not go to detox to get off benzos.  Imo, if you can find a doctor who will do a valium cross over and then a slow taper is by far the way to do this.  


They took me off the benzos in less than two weeks.  Within five days my central nervous system was so jacked up.  I was a mess for two months straight.  I know some of you have it really hard with your tapers, but going the route detox takes you is the most brutal thing I have ever experienced.  Please taper.  You will save money and your mind.

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L123, I am shocked she admitted her w/d experience from benzos.  I concur with everything you said.  I was a mess trying to wean and thought it couldn't get worse.  Boy was I wrong.  The suffering from tapering is NOTHING compared to being taken off benzos over a 3 day period in Detox. (It was a 3 day 'taper' for me)


I had no motor control, could not walk or stand, could not understand anything anyone said to me (like a vegetable), and 30 plus sx's hitting me so hard for over 2 solid months straight....I still can't believe I am here to tell about it.  It was complete and total mental and physical disability.  I could not do ANYTHING to care for myself, not even bathing.  It was the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life.


I hope people will think twice and stick to their tapers.  I know it is rough because I was tapering too before I went, but it is the better of the two evils by a long shot.

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Yes i here you and yes i am off Valium quicker, but this pain in the legs and they are so weak... I have told myself i cant die from this and know i will never take a yellow pill again makes me happy, but what hell... When i went to detox the doctor and nurses almost looked at me that why am i here.. There are people on heroin and other stuff for 20 years.I almost felt like a hyproncondriac and they tried to take me off anti depressants as well.... there WAS NOTHING THEY COULD GIVE FOR MY PAIN yet all other patients got something to stop there body craving... The doctor said mine was all mental, not physical yet why was i in so much pain and the horrible depressed feeling...  I had 70 people telling this is not the way to do it yet i was adamant to go..


I never thought it would hurt like this, and i feel foolish for not listening as the withdrawals i was having was nothing like this...

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does any one know if there is anything i can take for the pain in the backs of my legs especially around the calves...WOULD a deep heat or something like that help or panadol.
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So you have now been benzo free for 3 days?  Valium has a long half life.  It will probably continue to get much worse.  You may not feel the full effects for a couple of weeks.  I didn't get hit hard after stopping the Klonopin for five days.  Klonopin has a much shorter half life than Valium.


Why not reinstate and taper slowly?  

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It is poison and i hate is so much, that no matter what i just cant do it... The pain of going on it phycologically would mess me up...


I do here what you are saying, but i know i can do this

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