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like everyone else here. I have been off for 8 months now and it was hell tapering after a CT from 5/6 weeks of use. I have so many physical symptoms and literally, they have not abated in the least. I need some hope because I've become so completely over feeling horrible and my functioning being so limited. I realize I'm far from alone but ugh. :(

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@[ne...] I am so sorry that sx have not abated, CT from what I have read is brutal, but I have also read that those have CT, in time have felt better...time being the operative word. It is not pleasant I am sure, and the best advice I can give is to do as much self care as you can, and remember that you are very strong for what you went through and your strength will get you through this. Take one hour at at time, and try to watch something funny or listen to soothing music. One day you will have a story to tell and you will help others to get through what you are going through. Healing takes time and even when it does not seem like we are, our Brain is doing its best to heal and it will. Stay Strong.💖Peace and Healing.

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