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Benzo belly


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Having horrible pain due to benzo belly. ? 31 days off of ativan. 

Zero sleep last night due to the pain.

Any one else have this. 

Any advice to make it better?

Tried heat, ice, tylenol, ibprofin, Pepto, gas x, Peppermint...

Also taking magnesium, l-theanine, and cbd. 

Help me please!!!

I am scared and desperate. 

Making all my other symptoms crazy mostly body aches with burning....

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In another thread on benzo belly, someone suggested colostrum for it.  I don't have any personal experience with it, but thought it would at least be an idea.

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Congrats on 31 days! Probably not what you want to hear but you should be through the worst of it.

Benzo belly sucks. When I came off ativan it was my worst symptom and kept me up at night for weeks after I went cold turkey. There's a bunch of helpful threads on here but the most helpful thing for me was just to eat. It felt like as long as food was passing through my stomach it helped alleviate some of my symptoms. It's probably the last thing you want to hear when it's flaring up, but there were nights where I just ripped off bits of bread and soaked them in water just to get something down. My theory is that your stomach can't focus on withdrawal while it's busy digesting food (but I know others haven't had this experience)

This is not scientific but for me kefir and yoghurt were the best for me. If I could get down a big gulp of drinkable yoghurt it felt like it sort of coated my stomach at least for a little while. There's also a school of thought that the probiotics also help.

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