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I can’t do anything without my brain having a meltdown. Everytime I leave the house I feel like I’m drunk and tripping on LSD. Everything is too much to process. I got pots from withdrawal and I’ve heard this is a symptom of that. 

what gives? I don’t get it. I feel like I can’t handle any sensory input when outside my home, a i autistic now? Why can’t I handle being outside? Does this go away?

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How long have you been off? Or are you tapering? Your brain is used to be calmed down by benzos so it's high wired right now.


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26 minutes ago, [[n...] said:

How long have you been off? Or are you tapering? Your brain is used to be calmed down by benzos so it's high wired right now.


I’ve been off for 13 months. 

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Ok that's a long time off congratulations! I'm no specialist but it seems like symptoms can linger for long. 

How long did you use?

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4 minutes ago, [[n...] said:

Ok that's a long time off congratulations! I'm no specialist but it seems like symptoms can linger for long. 

How long did you use?

It’s been a while so I don’t remember exactly. I think around 3-4 months irregularly, then once a night on the last 2 months. I was on .5mg Xanax. I tapered over 8 months 

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I mean not really. I am agoraphobic and can’t leave my house. I haven’t seen much improvement in that over the last 7 months. I was prescribed benzos for anxiety and panic attacks, but I’ve never experienced anything like this.

everytime I leave my home I feel anxious and I mommy brain becomes overstimulated. It’s like I’m drunk or high and can’t ever be relaxed and present in the moment 

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So you came back to your previous state only worse because of the benzos.

Mabey try some CBT. Baby steps. Take short walks but not over do it..small missions. I push myself to take walks and go to the gym sometimes. Feels better afterwards 


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