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Hi everyone 

I have never known what a benzo was I have long covid with neuro symptoms. On gabapentin 2700mg a day before benzo. no issues and was doing well. They thought small fibre neuropathy autoimmune response to covid. They tried a 4 day IV steroids which my nervous system went haywire and I felt like everything was seizuring. They gave me Clonazepam to stop it. 

Sorry I’m  just really struggling. 
I’ve not had a smooth taper and my cns is overwhelmed. I’ve been given 3mg k in hospital for a week then 1mg for a week then back on after 6 days at 0.5mg but I didn’t know what they were or what they could do. Dropped to 0.375mg after two weeks held for a month terrible symptoms didn’t know then dropped again to 0.25mg held for 6 weeks again terrible symptoms but just thought that was what it is. Then 0.25/20 to 0.15 and I’ve been really bad held for 6 weeks. 
I’ve got a water taper plan but don’t know how I’m going to go with it all. I’m struggling so bad with very severe symptoms 24/7 no functional. 
I’m also on gabapentin 2700mg day before all this and which is only slightly helping now but my body was in fight or flight before all this with long covid. 

I guess I’m just looking for some support and help during this time. 
Talking to my dr tomorrow what should I ask or say.

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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for all you're going through, its too much!  Not only have you been suffering with long Covid but you've been put through the wringer with serious medications that each have the power to disrupt your central nervous system. 

Please, please think about holding your taper or even going back to a dose where you felt stable, rushing off this drug won't help but holding then tapering slowly just might.  

Your central nervous system has been through too much, the virus, the steroids and the Clonazepam have combined to set up a perfect storm of misery. 

I wish we had more time before you see your doctor, and more members had a chance to weigh in on what you should ask, but is your doctor aware of this document?  Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance (corxconsortium.org)  You indicated you didn't know about benzo's so I take it you've never taken them before?  This information is important, I hope you come back to answer before your appointment.  

We can help you figure this out, please come back and let us know what your doctor said.  While we don't wish to contradict our medical professionals, many of us have realized they know very little about our situation and we've had to lean on each other to make it through this.


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