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Has anyone tried Mestinon during benzo withdrawal?


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I have severe ME/CFS. The interaction between benzo damage and the ME is somewhat of a disaster. And I’m getting worse on all fronts, I’m too sick to continue the taper. I’ve been holding for 4 years hoping to allow my nervous system to recover a little to finish the taper off. But no luck. My health is spiraling out of control. And I don’t know how to halt it. 
so I’m finally considering trying another Med. Which of course just feels like the worst idea on the planet!! I’m on 5 meds now. All put in before I realised what was going on benzo wise, all when I still trusted my doctors to make the best informed decisions for me. 🤦‍♀️ oops. Anyway, I can’t taper any of them without severe symptoms, so you know, another med is not a decision I take lightly. To be honest I am in fear for my life now and can’t find a way forward. 

so Mestinon. Anyone have some experience with this while suffering extreme benzo symptoms?


I react to almost everything. 

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Just in case you don't get many replies, I put Mestinon in the search function and found a few threads which mention it, this is one of them.


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Yeah thanks, I’ve scoured all the mentions of it. There are a few but was hoping I might turn up some more or with some more detail. 
thanks. 😊

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