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On benzo since 2008 2mg at night. Want to get off scared to death of withdrawal. All my psychiatrist wants is put me on more meds. I don’t understand your platform yet. Please help me. 

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Welcome to BenzoBuddies, @[Ch...]

Now that you have had your first post approved, you can post unrestricted to the forums. You'll get the hang of it around here. And others will be along soon enough to help you.

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@[Ch...] I hope someone chimes in but I known there is a benzo friendly website that has a list of doctors that are familiar with benzo WD and give you a better chance at success. Without knowing much about your situation, if you want to get off the meds and your psych wants to put you on more then it’s probably not a good match.

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10 minutes ago, [[d...] said:

@[Ch...] I hope someone chimes in but I known there is a benzo friendly website that has a list of doctors that are familiar with benzo WD and give you a better chance at success. Without knowing much about your situation, if you want to get off the meds and your psych wants to put you on more then it’s probably not a good match.


10 minutes ago, [[d...] said:

@[Ch...] I hope someone chimes in but I known there is a benzo friendly website that has a list of doctors that are familiar with benzo WD and give you a better chance at success. Without knowing much about your situation, if you want to get off the meds and your psych wants to put you on more then it’s probably not a good match.


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@[Ch...] go to the benzo info coalition website and you might have luck… depending on the level of how scared you are call the drug and abuse hotline and they may also be able to help you out.

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5 minutes ago, [[d...] said:

@[Ch...] go to the benzo info coalition website and you might have luck… depending on the level of how scared you are call the drug and abuse hotline and they may also be able to help you out.

I found 1 doctor close to me. I left a voicemail. I don’t know if I can get through this. I am alone in a strange country. 

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Like me, you need to be very proactive about everything Benzo and DON'T start a withdrawal program until you fully understand the process completely! Don't be scared. Don't check into any rehab that isn't Benzo friendly as withdrawal can take a year or more depending on your response. You have to go very, very slowly! You can do it successfully if you find a DR. who is Benzo qualified. There are lots of forums online that can help you. I made the mistake of withdrawing quickly because I had absolutely no clue what I was facing until the symptoms hit me like a train! I'm 3 months off now and the neuropathy has been a hell on wheels. You can start by checking out the Ashton Manual which will give you a ton of info to get you started. https://www.benzoinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ashton-Manual.pdf     

Be very proactive, get support from others who have gone through it and rest assured you can get past this successfully. Good luck and have faith!

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What benzodiazepine are you currently taking?  We suggest reducing your dose by about 5-10% every couple of weeks but what works better is to use your symptoms to guide your taper.  If you can't find a doctor and you have a good supply, we can help you get started as many in the medical community don't have a good understanding of what we need.  

This is a good resource. Benzodiazepine Deprescribing Guidance (corxconsortium.org)

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You can also contact Geraldine Burns at COHEAL or Dr. Joseph Witt-Doering. You can look at all of his videos on YouTube which are extremely informative.

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@[Ch...] You're starting out where I did.  I started random benzos earlier than 2008 ( 2008/9 is when I discovered Klonopin) and then got a prescription for 2 mg Klonopin in 2012.  I'm tapering slowly and using a scale.  In my experience, tapering slowly hasn't been that bad.  We know what you're going through. We're here for you.

Welcome, and thanks for joining us!😊

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1 hour ago, [[M...] said:

You can also contact Geraldine Burns at COHEAL or Dr. Joseph Witt-Doering. You can look at all of his videos on YouTube which are extremely informative.


1 hour ago, [[M...] said:

You can also contact Geraldine Burns at COHEAL or Dr. Joseph Witt-Doering. You can look at all of his videos on YouTube which are extremely informative.

I am so scared of you tube. 

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1 hour ago, [[M...] said:

You can also contact Geraldine Burns at COHEAL or Dr. Joseph Witt-Doering. You can look at all of his videos on YouTube which are extremely informative.

What is COHEAl. 

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1 hour ago, [[M...] said:

You can also contact Geraldine Burns at COHEAL or Dr. Joseph Witt-Doering. You can look at all of his videos on YouTube which are extremely informative.


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12 minutes ago, [[C...] said:


I am so scared of you tube. 


1 minute ago, [[M...] said:

Google it, or Instagram 

I don’t understand quote is that like reply???

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38 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Google it, or Instagram 

I tried to google no website and I don’t trust Instagram for privacy. 

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12 hours ago, [[C...] said:


I don’t understand quote is that like reply???

When you hit the word ‘quote’ it will show as it looks above my text.  It helps others to know what you are replying to.  You can type your reply in the field below as I have.

You don’t always need to use it.  You can also just reply in the text field as usual.

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