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I can't even put words to how I feel, just ill. Can't cope anymore


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I've had dizziness for four weeks,constant boaty feeling with on and off severe dizziness.Jelly legs are back, buzzing in my head and not sure if it's anxiety or nervousness or something making me feel I can't cope. How can I try solve it if I can't pinpoint what it is????? I'm crying in despair, what do I do? I've responsibilities and the pressure is immense. Help me please what is wrong with me? Why can't I tell what's causing the distress???

I can't do this anymore. 7 months since my CTi just can't stand anymore. Please if there's a God help me help me please I beg

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13 months free of xanax. Still have waves and windows. Please remember you have survived the worst symptoms already just hang in their things will improve. It is a slow painful process but there is light at the end of this tunnel. 

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@[Bi...]i am sorry to hear you’re struggling!! I too am struggling but I’m still tapering and on the poison 🥺 do you have some one in your life that you can lean on?

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Sorry you're going through this.  I highly recommend seeing a therapist that understands benzo withdrawal and going to a psych hospital if necessary.  Your brain is trying to heal itself but it takes longer than you might think.  Take it a day at a time and have hope.  It does get better eventually.  Read the book "The Brain That Heals Itself" for encouragement.  My experience was a horror show but I have been good for 2 years now.  I had to put myself in the hospital so I didn't harm myself.  Forget responsibilities and focus on healing if you can.  

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I get that feeling of wanting to run away from myself. I also get worried about making decisions because I feel like I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t trust my judgement right now because of how distorted everything seems. You are doing the right thing and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Practice clarity of your decisions by writing it out. Practice self-trust exercises. Just know that everything will be just fine. Have faith that universe or God (whatever your higher power) has got your back. Stay strong!

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Hello birdypie,

I'm sorry that your going through this. I understand what your feeling. All the symptoms that is happening is quite normal, that your brain/body is going through the process of adjusting without the prescribed medication. If you have family that can support & help you through this it will help make it less stressful. Adjusting your lifestyle is a must to manage your physical symptoms as best to make it more comfortable. More rests, breaks, less stress, less chores, projects, change eating & drinking habits like staying away from sugar, alcohol, coffee, carbs, process, fried foods, minimize any supplements, physical activities. Your whole body (cns) is extra sensitive. Please hang in their, time will heal our brain & physical body. 🙏 


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