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I feel so needy posting this. I was very sick from some tick bites and am healed up from that. The antibiotics I took have really put me in hell. I’m just shy of 19 mos. I have fought this battle like everyone here and it’s been brutally hard. Through it all I’ve gotten better and better. Even with all the hellish waves. It’s been so up and down. The last 2 weeks I’ve been trembling inside so bad that I can’t do shit. I think I’m dying of something but I’ve been through all that. It can only be a horrible wave. It’s been awhile since I’ve felt paralyzed from anxiety. I’m angry as hell cause I’ve fought a good battle before this. I’m praying this changes. I feel like I’ll never get better. Like how???  Im goi g to get a checkup to make sure I’m not sick from the ticks but have a feeling they will say negative.. negative. Im tired and wore out. Only to see it rear it’s head like this!  Does it ever end. ?? Anybody ever goes through this later in recovery? Any support would be much needed!

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Hang in there!  You've got this.  The benzos are lying as usual.  When we're in a bad place, it seems like it will never get better, but it does.  I'm sorry for your suffering, anger, and distress.  I hope you get to a better place SOON! 

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So sorry for the tick bites and the challenging round of antibiotics. I can imagine that was REALLY trying... and horrible. 

You will improve. I just read the most amazing success story of a guy who is 22 months out and it was ROUGH until month 20-21 and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, things just CHANGED and started to look up. I don't know why it takes so much time... but keep going. KEEP GOING. You are close... you are so close to your next window... your next good sleep, good day, good week and good LIFE. We're here to support you. Sending you so much love. 

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Hi @[Ra...] I am sorry for what you have been going through with the ticks and the uncertainty, but please be assured that one day you will walk off of the >:D benzo's and will have a life that is worth all you are going through right now. Is it going to be easy, no, but please know that you are much stronger than you think, and that every journey has bumps and dips along the way. Stay as busy as you can and watch silly movies or something you like, to while away the time...it will be OK and one day, you will tell your story, and help others that are just starting. Stay Strong. 💖 Peace and Healing.

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Hi Ranchman.   I think of and pray for you often.    I’m sorry you are still having bad waves.   This is one tough journey.    I’ve been really struggling myself the past 5 weeks.    I just want the suffering for all of us to end soon.

God bless you.

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Like all the above answers i feel sorry for you. But you made it! Just keep on doing it and you will feel like superman when this is over.

Stay strong brother.

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its been quite the battle. As I sit here tonight not feeling well all I can think is how well I was doing. Thanks Jim for the prayers and kindness. I think of you as well 

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