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Does Holding Help Benzo Belly


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I haven't had Benzo Belly much at all until this past month of brand changes, liquid crossovers, etc that just trashed my CNS and now I have horrendous Benzo Belly. For those who experienced it during a taper, does holding help that stuff settle down a bit? I imagine it would but just looking for others' experience. I know we are all different.

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But what about benzo belly while tapering? It flared when I made too many changes in brand/form in the same month. Haven’t had it until now. Wondering if a hold would settle that down.

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Honestly I don’t know.  It generally speaking seems to be a common symptom among all benzos no matter what brand.  Not to confuse the issue but I developed benzo belly before tapering.  It just got worse and worse during the taper and after jumping off.  

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