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Agoraphobia post taper


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I don’t know what to do… I’m so frustrated!

I’ve been battling agoraphobia for months and I have seen zero improvement whatsoever since it developed months ago despite attempting exposure therapy almost every day. I don’t try to push myself too far but it’s become increasingly clear that I have made zero progress.


im so tired of searching this forum for answers. It seems like most people develop agoraphobia during their taper and it vanishes when they are fully off. I am the exact opposite, I didn’t have it during my taper, infact I didn’t have any symptoms during my taper at all. I was completely fine, then got hit by a bus with symptoms 2 weeks after my last dose. 

this is getting ridiculous and my patience is getting real thin. I can’t live like this and I need help!

has anyone else besides me had agoraphobia POST TAPER and RECOVERED FULLY??

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most people fully recover in any where from 6 to 24 months ....... if agoraphobia is your biggest problem  id say your in pretty good shape ....


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22 hours ago, [[j...] said:

most people fully recover in any where from 6 to 24 months ....... if agoraphobia is your biggest problem  id say your in pretty good shape ....


Among other symptoms like overstimulation and akathisia. Feels like I’m not making any progress, can’t shake the idea that I’m damaged

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I haven't left my house in 2 years. LO serious I was never agoraphobic and 2 years ago I stopped taking my colonipin. I have not been back to work, I have not left my house except to run to the store and straight back. I don't get out of bed most days, and I used to work 90 hour weeks. And be out all night. My quality of life went straight to shit after I stopped my benzos. I don't think it will ever get better for me. I know others, though who it took a very long time (years to normalize). So it does go away for alot of people.

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The brain is trying to heal itself from the taper by making new connections.  During that process all kinds of things can go wrong.  I had every symptom you can think of and thought I'd never recover.  Just stay strong every day and take every inch of progress as progress.  Learning how to observe my thoughts was also helpful. I have had no symptoms for years now, so it is possible.  It does suck though.  The frustrating part was knowing how irrational it was to be fearful but it still having such a grip on me.  Hang in there!

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yes. I had agoraphobia post taper. I forced myself out because I knew I wasn't going to let this particular withdrawal symptom take me hostage. with time it did get easier. my progress would not show for months when I was early on. your nervous system is highly sensitized and time will be your true healer. TRUE ACCEPTANCE is the key. And yes, my agoraphobia is completely gone. 

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Yes hi... please don't judge yourself harshly for avoiding going out.  I got very agoraphobic post taper.... it helped me to remember that my brain was overwhelmed with lights and smells and conversations because it was struggling to sort everything out.      Some days I pushed myself to shop, and visit, and I paid for it with utter exhaustion.   Also high levels of anxiety/ cortisol.   I thought I would always be damaged like that.  

Now, 20 months post taper, I'm noticing that I'm much more resilient.... a few times lately,  neighbors have dropped in, or I've cooked dinner for guests, and I've actually enjoyed myself....  found myself laughing spontaneously and then shocked to realize I'm not faking it.  Who is this person that is just talking and laughing and hanging out!?!  It's me!

I'm not healed by a long shot, and my healing time may be different than others... but clearly I'm stronger more often.  So don't give up!!

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