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Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline Clonazepam


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Hi BB community, 

I’d love to hear others experience with tapering off of clonazepam in terms of when they noticed symptoms after each taper. I know it’s so unique to everybody but am curious what other people experienced with clonazepam in particular. Did you notice sxs 3 days after a cut, 5 days, 10?

Thank you in advance!

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I’ve been holding at my current dose for a while but from memory the WD would hit 2-3 days in and would last for about 11-12 days. It would ramp up towards the end of the 11-12 days and then it would pass.

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@[Th...] Thank you for taking the time to respond! Wishing you the best as you navigate the upcoming taper, I know how scary it can feel. Sending good thoughts to you!

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1 hour ago, [[L...] said:

@[Th...] Thank you for taking the time to respond! Wishing you the best as you navigate the upcoming taper, I know how scary it can feel. Sending good thoughts to you!

Thank you!

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My w/d symptoms, if any, emerged around days 10 to 13 of each new dose and then abated or ceased entirely after a few days. That’s actually one of the reasons why I decided to stay on each new dose for three weeks (with a plan to hold longer if necessary). For me, three weeks per dose worked well in tapering off clonazepam because it was enough time for those symptoms to come and go. I’m sure the half-life of the specific benzo plays an important role in when symptoms emerge and recede, but gosh if there’s anything I’ve learned from the (excellent) BB forum it’s that benzo withdrawal is idiosyncratic!

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I microtapered, but already had symptoms start before I ever started tapering, so my baseline included symptoms. When I did cut and hold the two times I did it, my sxs were worst around day nine or 10.

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