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13 days out i feel like im dieing and i decided to drink and see if i could get releif...


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13 days since my jump from 10 mg of valium and its been terrible. nothing but exhaustion and DPDR and anxiety depression. i tried drinking 8 beer last night which didnt help much a few hours of some relief but the hangover of course and the withdrawal of benzos now im feeling much worse. im so debilitaed i cant even grocery shop ive been to weak to do anything all i do is sit on my bed im exhausted.... the ER wont taper me off slower and neither will a doctor..... im kinda just stuck dealing with it at this point........

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I've been there and it is Hell. Drinking will only make it much worse, as I found out. Please keep posting and sharing. It helps all of us. You will make it through! If I can, you can. 

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Can you maybe find another doctor that will taper you at a snails pace? Even your GP? With less then 2 weeks off reinstatement might be an option. Only you can decide.

Some people can handle alcohol, most can’t but it will be out of your system in just a couple of days.

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@[Th...] I am so sorry that you are suffering, and I know you already figured out that the beer will not help. That was a big jump, and I am also sorry that you have not found help, I want you to know that you are not alone, keep posting. Maybe speaking with another Doctor would help. Sadly your Brain is overworking trying to adjust to being without the Valium, and boy do I know how that feels.💖Peace and Healing

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I feel terrible for what you're going through, and I imagine you don't feel well enough to search for a doctor.  It's cruel that the ER won't help you.  I'm so sorry! 


I hope you can find a window to look for a doctor.  There might be an online doctor.  If you are in the US, there might be a doctor on this site.

Benzodiazepine Tapering Cooperative Providers - Benzodiazepine Information Coalition (benzoinfo.com)


Alcohol will make things worse, and as begood said, most of us can't tolerate it at all.   You will be in my prayers.  


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