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RLS restless body


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Does anyone get RLS feeling in some muscles? It comes and goes for me but focuses mostly in my lower back and buttocks and drives me crazy! I don’t get adrenaline or terror with this so it doesn’t seem to be full on akathisia but maybe some spectrum of it? I sometimes get anxiety and weird internal electric sensations but they aren’t connected to that feeling it seems. Because today it’s only that RLS in my butt and nothing else so far.

Yesterday I was free from it but today it came on like 10 minutes after I woke up to feed my baby. It feels like deep throbbing with a tickly and almost itchy quality. I had something like this in the exact same spot with the flu and Covid in the past - it’s a very uncomfortable flu-like ache that makes me feel like the muscle is kind of fainting. Like it’s tensing up, it leads to twitching. It makes me want to rip that place out. 


Anyone has this from meds? Does this even go away? 

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We get the strangest random symptoms.  I tell myself I have whole-body RLS, but it's more like the internal electric current you mentioned.  Maybe someone else will relate to what you're going through.

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