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Along with a host of many other symptoms my DP/DR has gotten increasingly worse and it’s terrifying. 

I know “I “ am in there, but I struggle each moment of the day. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Hi Mary,

Yes.  I have this everyday to varying degrees.  Today has been a bad one...you are not alone.  Don't feel like I'm on the planet, and accessing myself can be next to impossible.  I'm an observer only, and connecting/grounding isn't available to me.  This gets far worse for me after I've reduced.  Not sure if you are finished your taper or not.  Hopefully, this will ease off for you...I know it feels very scary.  Even typing this, I feel as though I am doing it from a distance...like my consciousness is far away, and it takes me time to receive what it is I want to say or do as if it's coming down a long pike...and, then I can finally start typing and connect with myself after trying and waiting.  I know I'm falling short in describing it.  

Sending you much healing.



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Yes, Mary, I am plagued by it also.  When I was in my taper it was bad and when I CT from 11mg Valium it was so pronounced in the first 6 weeks.  I would feel like I was on an acid trip.  Things seems 1000 miles away from me, even though they were just feet away.  People's voice seemed miles away and I felt like I was behind an invisible wall.  When people spoke it seem like they were miles away in a vacuum tube, it was like an echo but not, just sounded weird.  I feeling like I was watching myself in my body and that I was just my consciousness observing life, I felt like a zombie as I hardly moved and just stared straight ahead.  I also felt like I was hovering..I knew I was walking, but I wasn't feeling embodied.  I was also weaving and tipping over and my balance was bad.  I had that jelly leg feeling super intensely.  My vision was worse the it is now.

At almost 90 days since my last dose, the dp/dr has improved, but is still there.  I can't wait to feel emotions again. I still feel like a lump of flesh and bones.

You are not alone.

Thoughts of hope and support to you, and all of us..

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I was just watching videos of NYC on Instagram and, well I’ve been there, I know it’s real, but it seemed ummmm, my perception of everything it so off balance, distorted. Am I even making sense??

Tragic. Praying for a better day for all of us tomorrow 🙏

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I almost feel bad saying this, but I don't ever remember experiencing this. Maybe it comes after the taper.  Thank you for your descriptions.  It sounds awful and scary.  I'm sorry you are all going through this and hope you all make a full recovery from it.💜

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