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Are scalp, neck, trapezius back muscles stuck in contraction permanently?


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Ever since I took this medication zopiclone I have a chemical feeling in my body . In head , chest arms and legs. It makes me have to sit cropped up . When I sit cropped up it is less. 
i have had severe akathasia for like 14 months. Now I am in this windows and waves pattern so obviously I am healing very slow. 

The chemical feeling makes me so unwell . If I lay down it lessens if I sit in a chair it builds up and o literally HAVE to stand up , but I cannot stand due to muscle weakness and dystonia, so I have to lay down again. The feeling than calmed a bit, but it’s never gone. 
Is this related to akathasia still, 

who has this?

8 months off

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I will try to explain mine to see if it's similar. I get a rush type feeling of pressure and it increases upon standing up; it is all over but more so up my neck and into my head. Happens through my throat and chest...limbs too. It makes everything feel tight, dragged down and full of pressure. If I even turn my head, lift it, roll over, etc. it comes on. 

We went to NC the other week where I never had an issue hiking in the past. I couldn't get far at all due to the incline, even a super small set of stairs, causing this rushing/pressure/chemical feeling. I was in the car a lot when my three were hiking. 

Part of me feel like there's a POTS type flavor to it as well as sometimes my heart rate increases with it. It's like a head rush throughout my body. I am 8 months off as well. 

Similar sensation or different for you? <3 

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Hmm not sure if I am feeling the same, I never had the pacing aka but I think I have the internal one that travels in my body and focuses on certain muscle areas. I get this restless feeling in some body parts and it feels toxic, it has an electric, tickly, itchy, buzzing or burning quality, sometimes causes a gnawing pain that feels like a toothache would feel in the part that is experiencing it at the time, like bone pain even. It makes me uneasy, I what to get rid of the sensation but moving doesn’t help at all. It actually makes it worse because when I have this and start doing something I actually feel it rise up from overstimulation. I have to wait it out. Today it’s in my ass and lower back and hips. Yesterday it was in my upper back, biceps and shoulders. 

It can also feel like this general tension that has a toxic and burning quality. Moving makes it worse because again it causes overstimulation and this pressure builds up. I also get inner vibrations at times. Yuck! I had a break from this but it came back.

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I am squeezed by a vice let’s say head to toe. I completely freeze 

i have this sxs since first ct I reinstated but never went away. 

18 months this sxs no improvements just worsening . 
anyone had this and it got better?

i am in agony 

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Hmmm No it’s more like an energy rush like I am injected with caffeine in the blood. That caffeine also clenches all my muscles. Sort of when you are in a scary rollercoaster and you clench your body, like holding on tight to the wagon your in . 

Its insane 

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