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13 days of CT had three beers


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I been tapering and bindging for a week or so and back to tapering, since december. Lowest I dose around 0.5mg V. During this time i been withdrawaling heavily up and down depending on dose. 13 days, I think, I just stopped.

On the list of symptoms i have them all except seizures witch i never had on previous wd.

I slept for maby 6 hours these 13 day's and my panic waves comes in 2 minutes intervals. I can't eat. Go outdoors talk to people and function. 

After three beers i feel completely normal but know what's coming after. I'm not a drincer and this was my first beers since i CT from benzos.  I know they do the same damage but at least my enemy stays in the can.⁹

Hope you guys are good sucks that chat is down. 



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Oh. I been subscribed 20mg a day  since the last 5 years. We have no taper program here except 6 days on a clinic. So I trial and error by my self.


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Wow!   I love those T-shirts . This is my fave.😁  you're an amazingly talented artist I love your designs and the originality, the shapes and colours they're all wonderful:smitten: 


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I'm back to tapering after 2 weeks CT. It just wasn't doable. I'm at 1mg C. I will cut and hold. Remove a third every two weeks.

I had to many symptoms going on at the same time.

Now I sleep and can eat and feel this is baseline. 

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I think every two weeks is fine but I would not be removing a third at a time.. you are very lucky to have stabilized on reinstatement & I would just thank God for that & do 10% a month.  Up to you tho, your body your choice & either way best of luck!

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Right now it's easy because it's 2mg pills that can be split in four pieces. I try to remove a third in two weeks and see how it goes. I managed 2weeks ct.  Worst experience in my life so far

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45 minutes ago, [[n...] said:

I'm back to tapering after 2 weeks CT. It just wasn't doable. I'm at 1mg C. I will cut and hold. Remove a third every two weeks.

I had to many symptoms going on at the same time.

Now I sleep and can eat and feel this is baseline. 

Peppe, if you are at baseline, this is an excellent time to stabilize at this dose for a while before you begin your taper.  It is, also, a great time to plan a responsible and symptom-based taper.  I’m concerned that you will find yourself with unbearable symptoms again if you go faster than the recommended 5-10% reduction every two weeks.  That is even too fast for some.

If you require help with a taper plan, you can post for help.  Cutting a third every two weeks, that is a rapid taper and may find you back where you were.

This is a great opportunity to have a positive taper experience.  I wouldn’t want to see you suffer as you have before reinstating.



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Thanks for your suggestion. I buy a scale and cut a fifth every month. If that doesn't work for me i make a 10% cut as you suggested.


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37 minutes ago, [[g...] said:

Your art is so absolutely beautiful.


26 minutes ago, [[F...] said:

Peppe, if you are at baseline, this is an excellent time to stabilize at this dose for a while before you begin your taper.  It is, also, a great time to plan a responsible and symptom-based taper.  I’m concerned that you will find yourself with unbearable symptoms again if you go faster than the recommended 5-10% reduction every two weeks.  That is even too fast for some.

If you require help with a taper plan, you can post for help.  Cutting a third every two weeks, that is a rapid taper and may find you back where you were.

This is a great opportunity to have a positive taper experience.  I wouldn’t want to see you suffer as you have before reinstating.



So every two weeks is fine then?

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Keep in mind that it is better to start smaller and see how it goes rather than starting with a larger cut and ending up highly symptomatic.  Kindling, which is what has occurred now, can make the taper more difficult.  I would error on the side of caution.

You are very fortunate to have been able to reinstate and find stability.  You may not be so lucky if this were to happen again. 

As I said, a really good opportunity to do this taper well.

Of course, this is your decision.  I wish you much success.



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That is the recommendation…every two weeks.  But, see how you feel.  If you need a few more days, then take them.  I’m more concerned about your reduction rate.

If you feel good now…imagine how it would be to taper while still feeling well as you taper.  Sure, you can still have symptoms, but manageable.  Still able to live life without being highly symptomatic.  That is the goal.  That is ideal.  You never know for sure how you will feel, but you will have given yourself the best chance.

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