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11 months today benzo free truly grateful.


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First and foremost I’m glad to be alive. Am I still suffering? Absolutely. But I’m grateful for the things I can do that. I couldn’t do 11 months ago. at times we think that we’re not improving and that might be the case in some peoples circumstance but I know 11 months ago I was in the bed and stayed there. I couldn’t get in the sun now I’m able to lay out in the sun I could only eat oats, asparagus, and scrambled eggs. No seasoning now I can eat what I want, I didn’t even think about driving now I can drive to the store or to the gas station 11 months ago. I couldn’t be around no one other than my wife now I’m able to socialize to an extent do I want to do more with that? absolutely but it will come . 11 months ago. It was a struggle to walk one end of the house to the other. Now I’m able to get out in the yard and do like yardwork and work in the garden a little bit. I would say that I’m about 50 to 60% healed someday as it might feel less but I would say around 50 or 60% healed and I’m grateful for that. I hope this can help some that are just beginning the journey. It’s worth it we’re alive and we do heal are nervous systems has been severely damaged, but we do heal. I’m living proof of that. Thank you. by the way, this is someone that was on Xanax for 10 years 4 milligrams a day for eight of those years before A taper and force cold turkey. thank you again for all of y’all‘s posts and comments. Sometimes it is just a simple word or phrase that encourages us. Please keep letting me know how y’all are doing. Thank you again.

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Thank you for sharing your encouraging update!  Happy for you.  Your post is a wonderful gift to other members!

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Comforting to read your post! I am 12 months off Klonopin and it has been horrid. But I am seeing some light and it so helps to see others are waking up too. 

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I appreciate seeing this post… I wish you nothing but a healthy continued life! I tried to taper off Ativan way too quickly and would probably be dead if it weren’t for my wife and mother. I’m currently doing this the smarter way and slowly tapering off Valium. Needless to say i have been pretty down in the dumps and enjoy seeing people getting back their lives.

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Thank you for posting this.  I had one of my worst days ever.  My poor mom got the blunt of it.  Never been suicidal before but today that was all I could think of.  

This is truly inspirational and congrats on keeping up the good fight!

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