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Anyone protracted find that caffeinated coffee actually helps?


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I recently crossed the 24 month mark. Somewhere around month 20 I was able to start drinking coffee again and I now drink between 2-4 cups per day. I couldn't drink half of a caffeinated soda at 12 months, so this is quite a leap. I find it does not have much of a negative impact on my anxiety and generally my symptoms subside somewhat during the day. The only negatives I have from caffeinated coffee are some increased floaters in my vision and some chest tightness if I end up consuming too much. 

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I found it helps with mood and concentration. Its all about balance/dosage. In the first year of my protracted withdrawal it gave me insane mania. Now that im 6 years and 8 months in protracted, most of the side effects of my coffee have subcided. I get increased mood/concentration and I feel less hunger when ive have had a strong cup of coffee. Hope this was of help to you. All the best.

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