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How do i pass the time?


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Hi. What do I do to pass time? I'm stuck and have been for a long time. Can't leave the house, very poor cognitive skills. Depressed, anxiety and intrusive thoughts. My life is horrible. Please ideas!!!

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Hi there, I have some thoughts for you! First and foremost, some things will just bother you too much. If anything bothers you, don't do it. Put your well-being first in that regard. The more acute I was, the more I cleaned. I cleaned the grout on the bathroom floors with a toothbrush. I didn't have to move far or too fast, and my sister had written that she cleaned her grout—which I thought was a waste of time when she wrote me! 

Not a waste of time. It passed time productively. Not saying you should do it, but cleaning is helpful. Organizing drawers, if you can stand the decision-making (should I keep this, donate or throw it out?) Sometimes decisions can be hard. Cleaning is usually just easy and doesn't take brain-work.

Some people color in books. Some listen to music. Some read. I couldn't read until a month ago, and music made me more melancholy so I watched TV. It was hard to find things that weren't disturbing, but I did find things. 

When I felt slightly more optimistic, I made lists of things I could do. Then I'd refer back to the list when I was stuck, which was most of the time! But it helped to feel a bit productive.

Another thing that's always helped is that every day I try to do something for someone else. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be outward-focused on someone other than me!

There's one other thing that's helped over time. I learned to try and park my mind in neutral. Doing something that absorbs me makes me do that automatically, but when I'm just walking, laying around or working on something like laundry or dishes, if I can I try to zone out and not think. It can help with those looping thoughts.

There are so many ways of coping with this, I'm sure others will chime in with ideas! Some will resonate with you and others might even repel you. This is a perfect time to pay attention to your body and your mind's needs. I hope something here helps you; I so know how hard this is. It won't last forever; you will improve!

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Hi, Hot. Thank you. Yes, I can't read anymore and cooking to feed myself is really hard too. My world is so censored. I'm so easily triggered.  Hard to be hopeful.

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I'm finding it very difficult to enjoy life at the moment. Reading is difficult too, watching tv can be overwhelming; I find myself sitting around a lot "relaxing," but that's when the terrible thoughts come of I'll never get off this drug, I'm going to be in pain forever, etc. I feel your pain. When I can't think of anything to do I take a walk or take a tub bath. I'm also fortune to live at home with my parents and my mom works from home so sometimes I go into her office and talk with her about my anxieties. I don't know of this helps but this is my experience. 

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Hi Peaky. Thanks! I feel the way you do.  I'm glad your not alone and are working to get off this horrid drug. Yep, life is hard now.

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