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feel like a fool


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Hello I am only 2 months free of fenazepam, but I am not able to solve simple tasks and have problems with memory, i feel myself like a fool. It's withdrawal syndrome? Everything will return as it was before? And how long will it last? Thank you!

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Hello ikr  :hug:Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

It’s good to have you here with us, well done at 2 months off. Don’t be hard on yourself, withdrawal is not an easy ride but it’s a temporary one. You'll find plenty of information and support here.  It will take time but symptoms will eventually go away.

Check out chapter III In the Ashton, possible symptoms.  It helped me to see the symptoms and to know they are common and that they are temporary.



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Magrita, I found this in the article you posted:

A minority of people who have withdrawn from benzodiazepines seem to suffer long-term effects - protracted symptoms that just don't go away after months or even years. It has been estimated that perhaps 10-15 per cent of long-term benzodiazepine users develop a "post-withdrawal syndrome". Many of these people have taken benzodiazepines for 20 years or more and/or have had bad experiences in withdrawal. 


It can be the situation when symptoms don't go away for many years? 

I used fenazepam for 8 years, 1mg every day.

Can you please put your story in some words?

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In my understanding that means you might have tinnitus periodically or respond to stress or caffeine, sugar. But essentially all manageable/not at all how you’re feeling now so don’t worry about it right now!!

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