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Tetanus shot??


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Our son is 11 and due next week for TDAP OR DTAP or whatever it is for his age. Anyway it made me realize I don't think I've had a tetanus shot since I had him bc I think that's what they gave me in the hospital when I had him to prevent whooping cough. Now I don't want any vaccccines I don't need but wanted to see if others super sensitive got it without issue…

I don’t need yet another setback at almost 5 years and need out of this. I don’t even know if I want the flu shot this year but tetanus I’m curious about… 

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You’ll be alright. These damn benzos make us so afraid to put anything foreign in our bodies. It’s more concerning to step on a rusty nail or something else and get tetanus. I’m not trying to scare you. It’s been hard for me to make decisions like this. The logical thing to do would be to get the shot. It’s okay if you’re not due for one. I got an extra tetanus shot at a hospital because I didn’t know if I had one already. My, now ex-husband, had two given on the same day because the nurse messed up. It’s completely fine. Just trust in the universe or your higher power that things will work out and you’ll be fine. 

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I was overdue for a tetanus shot a year out from the end of my taper. I react so badly to anything that I was hesitant but as Annamal says, I sure didn't want to step on a rusty nail and get tetanus. I had no ill effects from it.

Hope this helps,



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Thank you! I’ve had some nice setbacks and my CNS IS SOOOOO SENSITIVE and I’m still not out of them, but when I realized that it’s been 11 years I’m like yea… I haven’t gone through this as long as I have to have something like tetanus take me out. Fingers crossed! I’ll report back! 

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Many people are overdue on their DTAP vaccines. IF by some odd chance you did step on a rusty nail or cut yourself with something rusty they give you a booster at that point - you go in for stitches they'd booster you in urgent care too. I personally wouldn't stress about it. It may never happen, and if it does, go in and get the booster then. 

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6 hours ago, [[I...] said:

Many people are overdue on their DTAP vaccines. IF by some odd chance you did step on a rusty nail or cut yourself with something rusty they give you a booster at that point - you go in for stitches they'd booster you in urgent care too. I personally wouldn't stress about it. It may never happen, and if it does, go in and get the booster then. 

Ahhh I didn’t see this until now. I decided to stop worrying about it and just went and had it done so fingers crossed. Plus my little sister is trying to get pregnant so it’s beneficial for me to have the Pertussis part but I just decided to do it and stop worrying about it. Prayers and positive vibes please!

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