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Found Accord Clonazepam!


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So a friend of mine took initiative and called 13 pharmacies to see if she could find anyone with Accord still since I've been dying on Teva. This morning she called me and said she found it and gave me the info. I ran down and checked out the bottle and the guy indeed has a full bottle of Accord Clonazepam, I looked at the pills and everything, they are the same. I'm hopefully going to get it filled today or tomorrow. For anyone looking for it still until it comes back on the market, check your local Mom & Pops. I'll let you know how it goes once i get back on it.

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I'm so glad to hear it, @[mi...]. It's hard having a bunch of Accord left over from my taper and knowing I can't do anything to help those who need it.

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Oh man, I can't believe that. Such a hard situation. I'm wondering how long it will take for me to restabilize after being off it for 2 months. I've developed so many symptoms, horrible benzo belly, something i had never experienced on Accord. Not sure if/how those resolve switching back or if my body will even receive it the same way. Wonder if others have any history with this sort of thing and how it went.

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Hi Mike!

You probably remember me. Mice. 

I also run out of accor and had to switch to teva. Im doing it gradually spliting the doses .125 teva accord at night and same dose in the morning. I started the blending last week with the night dose and I started with the morning today, same dose .250 Teva/accord.

Where did you find stock of accord? was it an old pharmacy or was from individuals. So far the symptoms I got are increased dizziness. Very sleepy and some difficulties to sleep. 

You said you didnt do any transition. I only have 10 left to continiue doing it. Houpefully is going to be ok. There is a lot of psicological influence on all this.

Hope it works for you this time. 

When I was almost at the end and switch to pill it was very tough till I got the right dose. This was 0.5 where Iḿ now. 

Sometimes we dont have the pacience to wait and I haven seen that many chiming in having the same issue.


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Hi @[mi...], yes I remember you. I am only at .169 so I just switched it all at once. I was ok for a week or so, but then I started getting sicker. This is not psychological for me, my body is reacting terribly. I found mine at a local independent pharmacy. I have no idea how he had it but he did. He is just waiting for my doc to send over the script and he will fill it. The chain stores do not have it, because they buy in bulk, but other places could if they are independently owned since they probably source their products differently. It's still unlikely that most will have it but definitely call around in your area and see which independent pharmacies have it if you want to switch back. If you can tolerate Teva then stick with it. My symptoms did not improve after two months, they only got worse. There was going to be no adjusting for me, only moving back to Accord, and thank God I have found it. 

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He can give me 90 days he said, as long as my doctor approves it, which I have no doubt she will. I’m living off of a small stash of a handful I saved until the prescription gets filled. I cut the pill in half and file it down a little bit to my current dose so that gives me 180 pills which is six months. I can try to refill again with him in 90 days which would give me another six months, but if he doesn’t have it, accord should most likely be back in production by then.  I’ll have enough to get me to mid February and when I talked to the rep at Accord, they said they will start production by the new year most likely or hopefully. Fingers crossed, always living by the seat of my pants with this stuff. I’m only at .169 mg but I taper very slow and I need to stay functional so I’m looking at probably three years if I stay at 5% per month depending on how I go before I jump.

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And I have multiple bottles of it left and nothing to do with it but take it to the pharmacy to be disposed. That's a hard pill to swallow... 

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