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Head pressure/blood rushing to head


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Hey guys.


I hate posting this. Because I’m so annoyed it’s happening.
I’m fine. Really, don’t worry about me. I’ve got a symptom that came back and it really revs my anxiety. Not sure why it came back? I literally was symptom free. Anyway, I’m functioning fine and living life aside from when I stand up quickly, or take a big drink of water, or strain on the toilet, etc. 

Anything that causes a quick BP change gives me a “wave” of pressure throughout my head. The pressure sensation fills my ears and makes them pound for a few seconds. Feels like I’m hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Then it fades away just as fast. 
I’ve been searching across the internet to see if this is a normal sensation or if it’s special for wd? Lots of people apparently deal with this but I’m guessing for me, it’s just very strong at the moment? It’s like I can FEEL the blood rush to my head. It’s not orthostatic hypotension, I’ve had that. That makes me feel lightheaded and woozy, like the blood is draining from my head. This is like, soooo much pressure for a few seconds.

The weird part is that my dad says he also gets this? But it doesn’t derail him and make him worry. So again, I must be feeling it super strong at the moment. On the bright side, I don’t notice this feeling unless I stand quickly. So it’s not ruining my life, technically. But the anxiety surrounding it is. Lol. I need to know what causes it. 

And I’m mad that I’m not 100%. I was about to post my long-winded success story and all the gory details but now I feel like I should hold off. Because every time I think I’m 100% healed something pops up to annoy me. Yuck. 

ps…not drinking coffee or alcohol yet. Coffee gives me brain fog and haven’t bothered trying a beer. Not on any medicines. No diagnosed health conditions. Healthy 30 year old female/healthy BMI. I’ve got this head pressure sensation with BP changes along with still being able to feel my pulse throughout my body (but very quietly). And that’s it. I know I should be grateful. I’m about to run to the grocery store with my kids like it’s nothing. I couldn’t fathom such an act years ago. Hope you’re all hanging in there. Thanks for listening to me whine. Lol 

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Hi @[Me...]

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I've had this symptom on and off with both benzo taper and also with my buprenorphine. So, let me ask you this: Is it, that blood is rushing TO your head? Or AWAY from your head (down?)? I get this symptom when I have to 'strain' when going to the BR also. Sometimes it comes with a headache. What I've discerened is that, my blood vessles are constricted and the I can 'feel' the blood leaving my head. I also get a little dizzy. I find when I take my benzo dose (still tapering) this subsides OR if  I take a vasodialeator of some sort  (even some suppliments can help me with this.) 

I wish I had some concrete advice... all I can share is that I can relate to this symptom and it comes and goes but hasn't caused me any serious issues. 

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2 hours ago, [[n...] said:

Just saying hi to my twin in this <3 Lizzy :o) 

I’m obsessed with this symptom Lizzy. Lol. I just bent over to plug in a mini fridge and it felt like my neck and face were going to explode 

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2 hours ago, [[i...] said:

Hi @[Me...]

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I've had this symptom on and off with both benzo taper and also with my buprenorphine. So, let me ask you this: Is it, that blood is rushing TO your head? Or AWAY from your head (down?)? I get this symptom when I have to 'strain' when going to the BR also. Sometimes it comes with a headache. What I've discerened is that, my blood vessles are constricted and the I can 'feel' the blood leaving my head. I also get a little dizzy. I find when I take my benzo dose (still tapering) this subsides OR if  I take a vasodialeator of some sort  (even some suppliments can help me with this.) 

I wish I had some concrete advice... all I can share is that I can relate to this symptom and it comes and goes but hasn't caused me any serious issues. 

Mine is a sensation of blood rushing TO the head!!! :( yours is way more normal I believe! 

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4 hours ago, [[n...] said:

I so get that. I literally ask my kids all the time to pick things up if they're below my waste level. 

This is ridiculous :( 

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I have this symptom and almost everyone I’ve found that has this weird head pressure and pain all have low iron levels.   Maybe is the benzo or tapers block the absorption of iron who knows.  Your symptoms sound slightly different than mine in that mine is CONSTANT pressure and pain that never really fully goes away.  But worth a try. It’s a simple blood test.  As everyone with head pressure I know that checked their ferretin was low

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@[Me...] I have something similar to this and it is really uncomfortable when it happens.   I am pretty sure mine is benzo related as I did not experience this before withdrawal.    Hopefully it will resolve itself quickly in your case.   Glad you are doing well otherwise.



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51 minutes ago, [[J...] said:

I have this symptom and almost everyone I’ve found that has this weird head pressure and pain all have low iron levels.   Maybe is the benzo or tapers block the absorption of iron who knows.  Your symptoms sound slightly different than mine in that mine is CONSTANT pressure and pain that never really fully goes away.  But worth a try. It’s a simple blood test.  As everyone with head pressure I know that checked their ferretin was low

Ah thanks J! My iron levels are ok ;(

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25 minutes ago, [[d...] said:

@[Me...] I have something similar to this and it is really uncomfortable when it happens.   I am pretty sure mine is benzo related as I did not experience this before withdrawal.    Hopefully it will resolve itself quickly in your case.   Glad you are doing well otherwise.



Wow Decatur! I had no idea you had the same thing. This brings me ALOT of comfort, knowing that you do. Thank you! 

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On 8/1/2023 at 1:49 PM, [[J...] said:

Just out of curiosity what is your ferretin level

Wow! I’ve never had my ferret in levels checked I dont think? What even is that? Is it on basic lab work?

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On 8/3/2023 at 8:49 PM, [[n...] said:

We are not alone @[Me...] <3 Would love to hear how others describe their experience with this. 

I think what freaks me out the most about this symptom is that I can’t find many others reporting it!! I hope you’re well! 

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On 8/4/2023 at 7:03 AM, [[G...] said:

Just had my iron levels checked and they were perfect….LOL!!!

Oh hey garden!!! GOOD! :)

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