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Twitching and Tremor


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Hi!  I am 11 months post cold turkey withdrawal from Sonata.  I am still experiencing muscle twitches and finger tremors, twitches, leg fasciculations and a weird inner rumbling in my legs and feet.  Sometimes it goes away but then comes and goes in waves.  My pins and needles have mostly subsided as has numbness in my tongue and face.  Anyone else suffer from twitches and tremors even up to a year later?  I've mostly accepted this as withdrawal (after months of digging with doctors and tests), but I still get uneasy when they happen.  Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have this issue, as well. It has been almost three years for me and still experiencing muscle twitches and tremors. I especially have them in my legs and feet. Finger twitches, yep. It worries me, too. It has improved a lot since my first year, but still an issue. Take care.

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