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Feel like an idiot, can't focus or remember things


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I'm 9 months off benzos, (after being on them for 11 years. Withdrawal's been horrible) and I've really been feeling cognitively impaired. It's so hard for me to think clearly or concentrate on anything, and I find myself forgetting things to a dysfunctional extent, like forgetting appointments, forgetting to bring my dress shoes with me when traveling to go to a wedding, forgetting to put food in the fridge, can hjardly remember many events from this year, etc.

Is this part of the process? I just feel like such a moron.

If this is a normal thing, has anyone found that it improves, or that anything can be done to help it?

Thanks in advance.

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This "cognitive fog" is absolutely part of the process - it's a common withdrawal symptoms and like all withdrawal symptoms it's temporary.  I'm sorry you're going through this but It will ease up with time.  We find the best way to support recovery and healing is to practice as good self care as you can - a wholesome diet, drinking plenty of water, moderate exercise, getting enough rest, etc.  Please go easy on yourself.  It's easy to get down on ourselves and even say mean things to ourselves - in fact that's something benzos do to us.  This is a good time to develop new habits you may not have ever needed before = such as making lists, setting reminders for yourself, limiting how much you multi-task.  I even learned to send myself email reminders.  It helped.  As my cognition improved over time I found clarity returned gradually and even vocabulary words returned to me.  Hang in there - it will happen.

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I will soon be 45 months off, and have some memory problems. it freaked me out at first. Then I remembered that it isn't just me that's healing, but also my Brain. Honestly it is going to take time and more time, than we think, but it will get better. I feel that we all have our days of forgetting, life in general, and not just benzo tapering or post wd. I read an article once that the Brain is in a Twilight sleep when on benzo's and that has always stuck with me, and it is natural that it will awaken, but it must repair and gain strength again. I do have a good laugh at some of the things I forget. I have no link, as it was years ago. Stay Strong everyone. 💖 Peace and Healing.

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