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Leg Pain!


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Does anyone suffer from extreme leg pain?  I have burning and tingling but omg my thighs feel like some wild animal is tearing at them. It’s so painful. Please tell me I’m not alone in this. Ty

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15 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Does anyone suffer from extreme leg pain?  I have burning and tingling but omg my thighs feel like some wild animal is tearing at them. It’s so painful. Please tell me I’m not alone in this. Ty


YES. I can completely relate to this. I've been tapering off Alprazolam/Xanax for about a year. The lower I go, the numbness, tingling and pain in my extremities ESPECIALLY my legs has become challenging. There have been a couple things I've done that have helped tremendously, but it's taken time to develop a routine and turn the 'pain into power' so to speak.

Does the pain increase during your cuts? Is it worse at night? I’m so sorry you’re suffering… hang in there. You are NOT alone…


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Thanks for replying. Yes way worse at night. I’m worried it’s akathisia because it helps if I move around some. I’m right at the end of my taper but I’m kindled badly. What a nightmare this all is 

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Interesting.  At 18 months I am having this too.  Most of my other symptoms are gone but this leg pain is crazy.  My doctors are saying it may be disc narrowing but they say that the level of pain I am in does not correspond to the level of disc narrowing.  I am in all kinds of PT and it is not working!  Now I wonder if this is some kind of late term withdrawal!

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Yes I think it’s nerve pain and it’s excruciating. I’ve been offered Gabapentin but I refuse to take it however it’s getting so hard to deal with. Thanks for your reply. Helps to know we’re not alone !

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When I am in a wave, my legs ache so badly and burn and tingle as well.  Sometimes I will have ripping, sharp pains too which may be what you are having in your thighs.  If I'm having a decent day, I don't have leg pain.  I'm 26 months out.  Sorry you are also dealing with this and I hope it lets up soon.  

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From my waist down aches and throbs.  Worse some days/hours than others.  I can feel it come from the base of my spine and radiate down and around pelvis.  Feet are always half-numbed and feel like concrete blocks.

This symptom I can live with.  I'm sorry for those who are experiencing far worse pain in their legs...I know there are so many levels to this.



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8 hours ago, [[D...] said:

Thanks for replying. Yes way worse at night. I’m worried it’s akathisia because it helps if I move around some. I’m right at the end of my taper but I’m kindled badly. What a nightmare this all is 

I know mine stems from AKA because I have AKA...the whole nine yards.  It ebb and flows in severity.  I, too, need to move around to alleviate some of the discomfort.  You are not alone in this.  But, one day you will leave this hell behind, and I'll be right behind you!  

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I have this too!  Mostly in my calves and feet.  It is way worse at night, particularly after a cut (even though I am making the smallest of cuts and then holding for 5-7 days).  I have started putting very heavy blankets over my lower legs and feet at night.  It seems to lessen (to a very small degree...but some) the pain, tingling and numbness.  I still have so far to go in my taper and I sure hope this does not get worse during the process!

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Hi there, just as @[He...] and @[...] mentioned, I too now have this. I am in month 19 off of Xanax and 27 months off an AD. I was detoxed from the Xanax so it was basically a CT, and I was rapid tapered off the AD. 

My first year I had (and still have) excruciating burning brain and body as if hot acid in my veins. 
Six months ago I started getting the leg pain and deep burning and pulling in my left leg. Most of my symptoms are on the left. The past three months it’s gotten more intense and crushing.

My leg feels as if someone has a razor slicing my tissues, and barbed wire being twisted in my muscles. It goes from my lower back, hips and legs. It literally feels like acid in my veins. 

ite odd that I did not have this leg pain until month 13. Mine is worse in the mornings when the cortisol and chemical anxiety is raging, but stays with me all through the day/night. I use frozen water bottles in my leggings and shorts and put a frozen water bottle under my thigh when I drive. 

The pain takes my breath away.  I had an nerve conduction test a few weeks ago by my neurologist and all was normal.

This is brutal and inconceivable pain. I haven’t had any windows from any of the burning body or muscle pain.  I hope we all turn a corner soon. I’m so sorry you’re struggling as well.  
Bless you. 🙏💕

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I also have leg pain. I don't have it 24/7 but it is worse usually in the morning although today might be an exception! The pain is burning and achy.  I haven't noticed a pattern but it is excruciating at times.  As you can see by so many replies, you are not alone.  
BTW, I am at in the last days of tapering Ativan.  I didn't have this leg pain regularly until the last few months. 

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On 7/31/2023 at 10:00 AM, [[H...] said:

When I am in a wave, my legs ache so badly and burn and tingle as well.  Sometimes I will have ripping, sharp pains too which may be what you are having in your thighs.  If I'm having a decent day, I don't have leg pain.  I'm 26 months out.  Sorry you are also dealing with this and I hope it lets up soon.  

Big Hugs to you Helen. Right there with you my friend. 🙏🤗

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Hey, I'm having pains in my calves and thighs also. Best thing I've bought is an accupunture mat. They're great! I use it most nights and sometimes during the day. Takes a while to get used too but once you're accustomed to the feeling it's amazing and has helped me tremendously. Definitely look into buying one. 

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Severe pain in arms and sometimes legs as described above. It also started later on in the process!? but the good news is that nowadays there are hours sometimes days without pain. So this must be a good sign! good healing to everyone 🍀

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18 hours ago, [[j...] said:


Big Hugs to you Helen. Right there with you my friend. 🙏🤗

Big hugs back to you too JordanJack.  I'm thinking of you always.

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15 hours ago, [[H...] said:

Big hugs back to you too JordanJack.  I'm thinking of you always.

I think of you often too sweet Helen! Sending you healing love! ❤️🙏

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On 7/31/2023 at 11:04 AM, [[F...] said:

From my waist down aches and throbs.  Worse some days/hours than others.  I can feel it come from the base of my spine and radiate down and around pelvis.  Feet are always half-numbed and feel like concrete blocks.

This symptom I can live with.  I'm sorry for those who are experiencing far worse pain in their legs...I know there are so many levels to this.



Are your legs also weak?

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2 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Are your legs also weak?

Hello Darlene, welcome to BenzoBuddies,

It sounds like you're dealing with some typical symptoms, I'm sorry.  We're glad you found us, hopefully you can get some reassurance that what you're feeling is normal, this helps dispel the fear.

Feel free to start a thread of your own to tell us more of your story, we want to help.


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7 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Are your legs also weak?

Absolutely.  Very weak.  It has gotten worse for me as I have been tapering again.  Walking 50’ leaves them feeling as though they may collapse.  Right now, I just force myself regardless.  But, that may change.  I am learning that many things change and just because something is a certain way now doesn’t mean it can’t morph again.  Sometimes worse, sometimes a bit better.

I did a post about this…didn’t get any replies other than one of sympathy.  But, when I say it wraps around my pelvis, the pain has affected the whole ‘private area’…inside and out.  I am numb and at the same time throbbing/aching.  It is really uncomfortable…distressing.  I’ve had that for almost two months now along with the leg issues.

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On 07/08/2023 at 10:27, [[P...] said:

Hello Darlene, welcome to BenzoBuddies,

It sounds like you're dealing with some typical symptoms, I'm sorry.  We're glad you found us, hopefully you can get some reassurance that what you're feeling is normal, this helps dispel the fear.

Feel free to start a thread of your own to tell us more of your story, we want to help.


 Thank you!

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On 07/08/2023 at 10:36, [[F...] said:

Absolutely.  Very weak.  It has gotten worse for me as I have been tapering again.  Walking 50’ leaves them feeling as though they may collapse.  Right now, I just force myself regardless.  But, that may change.  I am learning that many things change and just because something is a certain way now doesn’t mean it can’t morph again.  Sometimes worse, sometimes a bit better.

I did a post about this…didn’t get any replies other than one of sympathy.  But, when I say it wraps around my pelvis, the pain has affected the whole ‘private area’…inside and out.  I am numb and at the same time throbbing/aching.  It is really uncomfortable…distressing.  I’ve had that for almost two months now along with the leg issues.

Have you tried pelvic floor physical therapy.? I did it for 3 months and while it did help a little on the tight muscles ..just didn't get the relief I was expecting.  Trigger point was painful.  I now rely on hot Epsom salt bath..gives a little relief. Sure hope you get some relief soon. This is torture.


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I am about halfway through a 10 mg valium taper and I can barely walk. Burning, bright red feet and horrible pain in my legs. I have lost just about all of my leg muscle and my legs feel like they are 500 pounds each some days. This is horrific and I hope that it ends with time.

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On 10/08/2023 at 10:24, [[D...] said:

Have you tried pelvic floor physical therapy.? I did it for 3 months and while it did help a little on the tight muscles ..just didn't get the relief I was expecting.  Trigger point was painful.  I now rely on hot Epsom salt bath..gives a little relief. Sure hope you get some relief soon. This is torture.

@[Da...]  There is no way for me to get physical therapy where I am, and I am housebound at this time.  I was stretching more before...daily.  But, symptoms shifted, and I just haven't been for a while now. I will try to do them again because I focussed a lot on my hips and lower back, and I know it was good for my body.

As far as the 'private area' is concerned, I really hope that helps because it is brutal.  I did a search on this, and I was only able to find a few people who commented on having this issue.  But, I know it's WD because when I have a lesser symptom day, it greatly diminishes.  So many nerve endings in that area as we all know very well.  And, where there is an abundance of nerve endings, there's the potential for lots of pain.

Wishing you much relief, also, Darlene.  It really does suck. 

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I have it too. I can basically not walk anymore. My mom texted me I should listen to Bach and let his music enter my cells and give me strength to get up again. Why is my family so insane? My dad thought I would die from tinnitus and he negated ENT advice to wait some months and in my cortisone confusion rushed me on this crap and now they are like oh it is all just from meds but when the ENT and I both said I would be fine it was not okay, but now it is okay cause the neurologists find this not a big deal. 

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