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Still living my Teva Clonazepam nightmare after switching from Accord. There is zero relief. I can't believe this is happening. I have a call into my doc to switch to a different generic. For those out there who have had to switch brands/generics, is it usually possible to find one that works or are many of you one brand/generic only and all the rest don't work. I have a few on the market I know I can try, but don't know if it's all futile...like my body likes Accord and that's that, or can multiple generics work for me, while some, like Teva have horrific adverse reactions. Just looking for someone else's experience to give me hope and perspective. Teva makes me feel like I have a constant stimulating current in my body, toxic as hell, and DP/DR, brain fog, Panic, anxiety, depression, the works. Thankfully I sleep still so I know it's absorbing in my body, but I am sooo sedated and also revved up. It's amazing what this has done to me. On Accord I felt 100% normal and my taper was a non-event.

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Oh @[mi...] I am so sorry this horrible thing has happened to you. I don't know anything about brand substitutions as I'm not in the US, but I just wanted to say how much empathy I have for your situation. I cannot imagine what it must be like and I know you have tried liquid as well. I don't know what your current dose is, but would it be possible to introduce a little bit of a new brand for example 0.125mg plus your current brand, just to limit any possible negative reaction?

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I'm at 0.169mg. I have tapered relatively easily down to there from .5 in about a year and a half. I do have an emergency stash of 13 days worth of Accord left over that I never used when I made the switch to Teva. I never went back to it because...what's the point...I figured I'd just have to get used to Teva since there was no more Accord being made for now so why delay the inevitable. Well I got to the point tonight where I feel so sick physically and mentally that it was either go to the hospital and see if I'm having a seizure/stroke, or tap my emergency reserve of remaining Accord. So I just took Accord. I know it's a lot of switching going around, but I need relief badly, and since this is the last thing that agreed with my body, maybe I can give myself a brief break before starting on a new generic. I just can't believe this is even happening. Praying for relief even if it's for just two weeks while I find a replacement.

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@[je...] In your time here on the forums, have you seen it where some people fail on some generics and do ok on others? Like they switch to one, it never stabilizes, they switch to another and it works?

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I'm so sorry, @[mi...]. This sounds awful.  

This happened to me when taking Vicodin after surgery.  They switched brands, and the new brand gave me intense anxiety, so I returned it, and he replaced it with a different brand.
Wow, I didn't realize they quit making Accord.   I'm not looking forward to switching.
Have you tried asking the pharmacist to order a different brand for you?  My pharmacist has done this in a few times for me.


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20 hours ago, [[m...] said:

@[je...] In your time here on the forums, have you seen it where some people fail on some generics and do ok on others? Like they switch to one, it never stabilizes, they switch to another and it works?

I see on another thread you've found Accord. I'm so glad you don't have to deal with this anymore!

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Yes! I have a picture of how sick I am that I wish I could post where I don’t even look like a human, it’s not just psychiatric symptoms it’s like I’m getting physically toxic and not able to clear the drug and it’s making me stoned and feeling like I’m going to die. Hopefully this one will start to reverse. In your history on these boards when someone switches to a pill that doesn’t work and then they switch back like in my situation, is there an expected amount of time before things stabilize. I mean I’ve taken one dose already and I feel like my head is a little clear, but I obviously have a ways to go. Should I expect a few weeks at least for myself to feel back to normal? 

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I can't remember specific cases like these. I know I've read people are brand sensitive and liquid sensitive but I can't remember "this or that happened to them". I'm sorry. And everyone reacts so differently. I do believe though that you should stabilize. It just makes logical sense. Yes, I would think a couple of weeks should hopefully do the trick to get you to feel better. 

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