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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

30 days off


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Thank you so much, this is very reassuring! 

I was taking helex (equivalent of x here in my country) post surgery I had on my peripheral nerve; was desperate to escape pain of reality and hard recovery. Now I see all of that as just a walk in the park compared to this hell. I was clueless and cold turkey'd it, also I took different doses daily, sometimes 0,50, sometimes 0,25. On occasion maybe happened I took 0,75 cause I was very distressed and in pain at the time. In a hindsight I realize I started to have some wd due to messy dosage. 

At first I didn't even know I was in wd, although I suspected it cause one day I didn't take it, didn't sleep all night and ended up in ER next day, felt sick af. Of course they told me I was fine, just stressed and suggested benzo. After returning home I took one dose and went to sleep but woke up at night restless and anxious. For the next few days I took 0,125 and then cold turkey'd again. 

I've never used benzos until this year. 

Little by little I've learned all the symptoms I have are wd. 


Today is my 30th day off and the last two weeks have been horrible. Even worse than first two weeks. 

I have a number of symptoms:

anxiety, panic, tachycardia, burning skin syndrome on upper back and arms (sometimes chest), inner vibration, shaking, vertigo, loss of appetite, depersonalization (was stronger before), irrational fears and projections, suicidal ideation sometimes, dry mouth, twitching and fasciculations and jerks, hyperexcitibility to smallest sensory stimuli, insomnia or very little sleep with disturbing waking episodes. 


I probably forgot some. 

Did other short term users also have severe wd symptoms? 



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Hey Sidd,

You're not alone. For me the DP/DR along with paranoia and intrusive thoughts are the worst of this for me.  I'm 9 months into a Xanax taper from 1 mg, and I'm down to .25 its been torture. Good Luck and just know we are hanging in there together!

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