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I cant write much im very sick.

Im youmg woman almost 28 and sick since 3.5years got these pills at y9ung age.

Hypertone neck muscle nd left legg


SEVERE overstimulation

24/7 suffering.

Want give up. I dont believe muscles can heal. Seeingno succ6 stories

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Hi @[St...]

I'm sorry to hear you're so sick. I tried to look through some of your previous posts. Sounds like you're from Holland? 

Are you currently under a Dr's care? Do you have the support of your psychiatrist and do they understand your symptoms and the pain you're experiencing?

Have you identified that your symptoms are a result of benzodiazepines or is it possible they are a result of something else. Just need a little more information... before trying to support you. Hang in there. 

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