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Question on muscle stiffness/pain


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I’m almost 10 months of 21 year use of Klonopin.  I’ve had significant muscle tension/stiffness and moderate pain since the end of my taper but back in Apr/May (6-7 months off), the muscle tension and pain started getting a lot worse and continues to do so.  I’m in a lot of pain and really cannot move around much without it getting a lot worse.  Like just going to the grocery store and walking around will probably ruin me for the rest of the day and possibly the next.  

What’s concerning me is how much worse this has gotten recently.  So, I’m wondering if any buddies have had certain symptoms get a lot worse this far out before getting better.  And if you have experienced this with muscle tension and pain, that would be good to hear. 

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Hello djej2010, Try not to worrry,  I was like this at 10 months off.   Its very typical in withdrawal to get worse before getting better.  I am sorry that your going through this, It will end one day, you will recover.  No matter how bad you may feel, healing is happening.  Sometimes after a really bad spell, symptoms improve and often go away for good. 

Hang in there


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2 hours ago, [[d...] said:

I’m almost 10 months of 21 year use of Klonopin.  I’ve had significant muscle tension/stiffness and moderate pain since the end of my taper but back in Apr/May (6-7 months off), the muscle tension and pain started getting a lot worse and continues to do so.  I’m in a lot of pain and really cannot move around much without it getting a lot worse.  Like just going to the grocery store and walking around will probably ruin me for the rest of the day and possibly the next.  

What’s concerning me is how much worse this has gotten recently.  So, I’m wondering if any buddies have had certain symptoms get a lot worse this far out before getting better.  And if you have experienced this with muscle tension and pain, that would be good to hear. 



Hi @[dj...]

Amazing work tapering off the K - this is really inspiring for those of us still tapering!

Although I am still tapering .. I have a thought to share with you that often gets overlooked relating to chronic muscle and joint pain:

I've tapered off this medication one other time (horrible decision getting back on it...), but one of the things that happened after I got off benzos the first time - was I started having HORRIBLE joint, muscle and soft tissue pain. I went to many physicians... and ultimately got the 'garbage bag' (said respectfully) diagnosis of 'Fibromyalgia'. They wanted to put me on more medications which I tried and I only got worse, with more side effects and more pain.

I ultimately ended up going to a naturopath (reluctantly). The naturopath shared with me that after many years of drug use (not your situation, but was mine also used opioids), that I had really compromised my gut, liver and thus, immune system and developed a ‘nightshade allergy’. Nightshades are a food group that contain an inflammatory agent called ‘solanine’. Now, solanine is not ‘bad’ perse-it occurs naturally in some fruits and many veggies, but for some people, it causes INCREDIBLE pain in the joints and muscles. When I tell people about nightshades, one of the first things I hear is, 'Well I don't really eat many potatoes, tomatoes, peppers or spicey foods.' Here's the thing... a person only needs to have a red pepper flake in their meal to send them into a 5 day pain tail spin. 

I was only 23 years old and couldn’t get out of bed. My pain was up to a 9/10 daily. It was AWFUL. In the beginning, I didn’t totally believe my physician, but she asked if I would be willing to completely cut nightshades out of my diet for 30 days. I did…. It was HARD because ‘spices’ and ‘peppers’ are in literally so many of our foods. (salad dressings - etc.) After about 3 weeks, the pain completely went away. Today I’m nightshade free and VERY STRICT about it. The minute I start compromising and eating tomatoes/potatoes – the pain comes back so strong. It’s not worth it for me.

I don’t know if you have a nightshade allergy or not, but A LOT of people do and don’t even know it. Just food for thought. I hope you feel better really soon!


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If you find someone that had this and healed please let me know 


for me it’s the same 8 months now and continue to worsen muscle wise 

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