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I need some support. I started my taper in January (at 10mg+ of lorazepam) and switched to diazepam after more than 30 years of using lorazepamin combination with alcohol. Tapered to 1.5 mg now (taking it in 3 .5mg). I feel extremely fatigued (sleeping a lot, I am retired). Anybody in the same boat that can give me some hope that things will improve. Or can tell what helped for them combatting the extreme fatigue

Other things have improved a lot, less brain fog and feeling less nauseous in general, although there are still bad waves.



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Hello Jenniferxxx


Its good to hear you've had some improvements.  I am sure we have others going through the same thing, hopefully they will post and give you some reassurance.  I had fatigue, many of us have this symptom.  I was so worried about symptoms I got tests done to rule out other causes, the tests showed nothing.  Some seek out alternative meds and supplements, but many of us,  like myself, can’t tolerate supplements, they made me  a lot worse.   It’s just time and rest ,  It does go away eventually, keep positive, eat healthy, you will get better.



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Jennifer I also had this common symptom and still get short bouts of it from time to time. I’m talking bed hugging to the max with no energy to do anything. I hated it! Oh and sudden sleepiness was coupled with mine. My symptoms seem to pair up. But good news,, my dear…it gets better in time. Mine went from overwhelming to now a mild annoyance when it shows up. Matter of fact, I haven’t had the sudden sleepiness in a month now. But the fatigue I had again last weekend….and I notice a little it of it today. Rest assured these symptoms have a mind of their own but they fade in time. 
hope that helped 

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