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Post benzo symthoms or smt else?


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I'm new and after 8years of (mostly) low dose addiction (lorazepam & bromazepam smt) I'm 2 weeks clean.I also quit drinking and cigs 2month ago ^-^

through not uppering my dose ig I've had withdrawal symthoms for the last years (muscle pains, insomania, sick very often etc) and surley it got worse now but my hypochondriac brain is really scared that it's a rheumatic  dissease or smt with my adrenal gland.

My mother had similar symthoms tbh but her lifestyle was...uhm..shitty diet, drugs and alc on weekends so idk ^^"

I also have other unspecific symthoms.

I got alot of food intolerances the last years too, is there a link to longterm benzo use?

Idk I'm very problem solving and my brain goes wild.

The simplest would be to take a benzo and look if it goes away but this isn't a good idea haha

I have the muscle, joint pains and tension and stiffness the worst after waking up and after resting. Candsmo relate?

I know nobody could tell me if it's smt different but telling if you have similar symthoms and/or if you're also scared about your health would be helpdul :)

maybe smo have a link of a paperwork about how benzos affecting the hormon systmen etc. 


Thank you!

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Sounds like typical WD to me. If you're 2 weeks off, you are in acute WD. So more intense symptoms and new ones are to be expected. All the symptoms you mentioned are very common and will resolve in time. As too is the heightened health anxiety. Try not to worry about things too much. You'll be ok 

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@[Ya...]This sounds like classic benzo WD. Recently I tried to do a rapid taper off of .5 Ativan and I basically became an extreme hypochondriac and experienced much like what you are talking about. I would be willing to bet that if you took your prescribed benzo, that within an hour or two your symptoms would go away (please don’t test that theory though :)). There are people with way more knowledge than I have that can hopefully help you out, but this sounds exactly like benzo withdrawal.

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Thank you very much for awnsering ^-^

This actually helps, if other have the same problems it's probably through the wd. So it's calming to know :)

I'll try to not allowing me to google every issue I have^^"

noooo I never touch this drug again :')

I'm way to happy to have feelings and interests again ^^"

Sending strength <3

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Thank you! It's really helpful to hear this from people who have been/going through the same :)

I'll try to use some healthy coping skills to avoid getting lost in bad thoughts ^-^


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