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Recovering from Liquid Failure. Need Advice.


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I've been posting awhile here about my struggle adjusting to Teva K after switching from Accord. A little less than two weeks ago I tried to remedy that by switching to compounded liquid K made from Ora Plus and pure K powder. Within 24 hrs my stomach was lit on fire with burning, sour stomach, intestines that were so innervated, gas, cramps, just like someone filled my insides with gasoline. I tried to ride it out for 5-6 days and it didn't improve and i started going into severe withdrawal. I switched back to Teva for now while I am looking for another generic to try in pill form, and since I've gotten back on Teva these last five days, my stomach problems are persisting to some degree. I had ZERO stomach issues, at least none that I thought or cared about before the liquid set it off. My gut is totally innervated in an instant from the liquid, and almost a week without it and it is still fired up. If it was something in the Ora Plus or formula surely it would have stopped by now. Also, since I started liquid, I lost 10 lbs, my heart rate went up to 140, BP super high, sweating and zero appetite or desire for anything. I had no problem eating before this. Any feeling from anyone what is going on? I know I am back on Teva which makes me feel horrible in other ways, but I feel even more irritable and agitated on Teva now than I did before the liquid. It's like something turned on in my CNS. Did I totally throw everytihng off going to liquid? I had tried a milk taper a month ago and it failed also but didn't do this. Please help. Too many changes causing this? Will this settle down?

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Our gut is so sensitive during WD.  At first read, I see you have made three changes within a month's time...through no fault of our own, your GI system has been irritated which is so easy to have happen....whether it be from certain foods, just from plain moving through WD all on its own, or a change in delivery of your drug...during tapering/WD, the smallest thing can trigger GI burning, gas, distension, cramping, gurgling, stabbing pains.  It sounds as though you have had a reaction, and it may take a little bit for it to settle back down.

As you are waiting for this reaction to calm down, perhaps try to eat food that is easily digestible to give your GI an easier time until it is no longer inflamed and reactionary.  I have chemical food reactions...and, a reaction is incredibly uncomfortable and can be very distressing.  It can take several days for things to settle down, and the more stressed and afraid we get, the more difficult it is for things to calm.  I know because I've been there many times.  Easier said than done, I realize.  But, your stomach will calm again from this reaction.

I understand you are very stressed about the symptoms the Teva is causing, and I hope you are able to source another generic brand that will agree with your system as quickly as possible.  Please keep us updated with your stomach symptoms.  It sounds like your system just needs a little more time to calm.  I'm sorry you have experienced this.  I know how bad it can feel.



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Thank you so much @[Fa...] for taking the time to calm some fears for me. It is so distressing when this flares up because it's not something I could ever live with permanently. The last time I had this happen to me was when I had a horrible Flagyl reaction two years ago. My gut turned on and I felt everything and it was terrifying. That took almost a year to recover from but the gut got better in a few months. I thought I was totally better from stomach issues and have been able to eat most anything I want with little to no problem. Then it's like someone just flicked a switch and my GI system doesn't work. I'm terrified I broke something and this is my new norm. Even with all the stress on my body and Teva not working for me, I was able to eat still without GI distress. Since this happened I am afraid to eat. I really hope it settles down. All I can eat right now is plain chicken with nothing on it and eggs. Two weeks ago I was eating wings, brisket, anything I wanted and it didn't hurt or bloat or anything. Now water sets it off. I hate this symptom so much.

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