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Brutal Wave with Fatigue

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I've been tapering since November '22 when I was taking .5 mg K in the morning and .5 mg K in the evening. The past 8 months have included all the usual life events and even a funeral but I was able to stick with the taper. 19 days ago I got down to .1 mg K in the AM and .1 K in the evening and about 10 days ago was the start of a wave like I've never seen. Mostly depression and fatigue, crazy fatigue that starts when I take the AM dose. Its so bizarre to me because it feels like I'm taking much more and its knocking me out, but its such a relatively small amount.

Anyone else hit this huge fatigue later in their taper? I know this will pass and fighting against it just makes it worse, but the randomness is certainly distressing. Thanks!

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@[...] I am fighting supreme fatigue myself at the moment. I am also suffering from insomnia so lack of sleep doesn't help. I started my taper journey this January. I think I have tapered too quickly but am trying to stabilize now. I was originally on clonazepam 0.5mg three times per day. I then made a switch to diazepam thinking it was the smarter choice for tapering. My family doc had me start at 10mg three times per day of diazepam. I thought the Ashton manual would be good to follow and went with that taper plan or close to it. I have tapered down to 3mg morning and 8mg at night on diazepam. 

I am going to stay at my current dose plan for at least 2 or 3 more weeks depending on how my brain is healing and my symptoms are doing.

Sorry for the long read but you are not alone on the fatigue side! I really hate it!! I lay in bed a lot and just have no energy. 

Hope you are doing alright despite the fatigue! Hang in there! 

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@[Zi...] Thanks for your reply! I'm in awe to see someone who has been taking this for so long taking that brave step to taper down. Congratulations and stay strong! :boxer:

It looks like things are getting tougher later in your taper. I guess that's a very common occurrence. I really had nothing like this wave in all my tapering. This has really been something else. The only levers in this whole thing that I can adjust are the size of my drops and the length of my holds, so that's what I'll try. 

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