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Remarkable improvement at 6.8 years.


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Hey everybody. Just a little while ago I was here complaining that I was having a terrible wave, but it was brief and caused by stress. Just had to share I am feeling remarkably better. I still have symptoms, but some of my worst chronic stuff seems to have lifted, like health, anxiety, and fear of free time. I find myself having recurring long periods of time, where I feel joyful, grateful, filled with love. It’s amazing. I don’t believe I am done, because I certainly still have plenty of symptoms, but they are nothing compared to what I lived through. And I imagine significant stress will still throw me into worse spells… But I’ve had weeks of feeling so so much better. Hang in there people! 

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Thank you for sharing.  I definitely see gradual improvement in my symptoms.  Sometimes I is hard to deal with one step forward and two steps back.  Stress is a horrible trigger and one cannot avoid it in life.  I'm learning how to manage stress without the drug.  A herculean task!

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