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8 or 9 day dry and stable


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I been in withdrawal since december turning and twisting my dose. I think I was on 0.5mg V most of the time. But are so tolerant that my last DOSE was 100mg V and 30mg xanax and i could hardly feel any effect!

So I decided just to quit 8 days ago. Over these days i felt the same. Some anxiety but not like i had. My Nassau witch been my major problem is better.. Still hard to swallow solid food, thank God for protein shakes and "liquid food".

Mabey because of my huge tolerance I thru with the worse!? I haven't vomit for two weeks now. That was my wake up call since december. 

I'm shaking a bit but are in good spirit and looking forward to a powerwalk in the woods. Being in the nature have  a good effect on me.

So at this point I'm counting the days to the 2 week mark. As I read if the acute symptoms still is stable then, I wont go back to the dreadful tapering.


Of course my bindging on huge doses now and then is of course the reason behind my huge tolerance. A tolerance withdrawal 

My subscription for 5 years was 20mg.

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Yes, being in Nature is the best possible therapy. Be sure to catch some sunshine to boost your vitamin D levels.

Bingeing on huge doses of BZD has disastrous effects. Try to work out a long-term perspective. Temporary relief versus many days of suffering? Don't do it to your future self. Instant gratification never works, it's a blind alley.

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