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Long Term User Advice/Suggestions


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I was prescribed benzos for over 18 years to treat anxiety. I have been on 2 MG of clonazepan the whole time. My whole adult life has been on the medicine. I have led a relatively productive life and have a beautiful wife and two awesome kids! I am 38 years old and am terrified coming off the medicine because my body has become so physiologically dependent on it. 

I never realized this until starting to taper off of it. I’m now at .5 MG and really finding it difficult. I read a lot about people who have been on it a few years but is there people out there decades on this stuff who get off and get better? I want so bad to watch mg family grow up and be here for them on their journey in life. I want to believe that I can and will heal. 

I am still getting up and going to work. My performance isn’t the best it’s ever been but my effort is there for sure.  I would love to get support from a long time benzo user who is now on the other side and healed. I hear it’s a beautiful place to be once you arrive. I guess it’s pretty bumpy getting there. What is the key advice that successful people have provided to those in the thick of it that helped them get to the other side? Minus time has there been a recurring theme? 

When I start seeing people can’t even take antibiotics or are setback from steroids I often wonder how long does someone survive post benzos. I’m sorry it just seems so scary all the different things I’ve read on here and I thought I was making the right decision getting off but am having difficulty understanding how you survive long term without being able to take things that help prolong your life? I’m sick with a sinus infection right now and my whole life never worried about taking an antibiotic and now the thought I may need one terrifies me. Hopefully I won’t but that is just one example of fear in withdrawal that I never experienced before. 

Please any guidance, wisdom or whatever some of you who have been around the boards a while can provide would be appreciated!


Thank you!

Edited by [kl...]
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Hi Klgates,

I may have a similar story as you.  I am going on a year of tapering, and am cutting tonight and will be down to .09mg.  Which seems RIDICULOUS doesn't it?  My main symptoms are mental, mainly depression.  Sometimes I get a little agitated, like I want to walk a lot.  I take some supplements, one that is helpful is magnesium glycinate at night.  I have taken many antibiotics over the years and if I needed one now, I would take one I didn't react to in the past.  No guarantee I suppose, but I didn't worry about it before I knew about the benzo "condition" being a problem.  Not everyone struggles with all of the things you read about.  Much easier said than done, but try to distract yourself and don't worry about something all too much until it becomes a problem.  One thing I'm doing now to try to help myself heal, and kick this depression is a keto / carnivore diet.  I'm brand new to it.  Prior to this I had done well on "Whole 30" which got rid of sugar, gluten, dairy....    I don't think I'm having carb withdrawal or anything but it is an adjustment none the less.   Welcome! 

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Wow .09! Congratulations you are getting so close. Thanks for the advice. I will have to look into keto diet for sure. It makes a lot of sense. I’m eating pretty healthy now probably similar to keto but not strict. It may be something I should try. Also with the magnesium I may need to try that. I’ve read so many people on here struggling with magnesium too. I get confused.

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I'm learning that low carb / high fat is better brain food, and it can also help metabolic health, so I am trying to maximize the healing.  I don't think it can hurt anything.  And it makes sense to me.  From what I have read, magnesium "glycinate" is well tolerated and I have not had problems with it. Like anything a lot of differing opinions and experiences.  This is a pretty good group and you'll find a lot helpful people.  To search topics thought use your regular search engine, "benzobuddies topic" and you will find a lot of results going back a good while.  If you need to distract, that can do it!  

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I truly believe the length of time on and amount means nothing and I have read SOOOO many posts on the topic. I was on 5/6 weeks and it happened to me. I've had a way harder time than some people on decades. The brain adaptation/injury can occur quickly or after a longer amount of time. Once it's there and your body is dependent to function on it, then healing needs to take place once off. Taper at a speed that works for you and use the group. Some have no/little trouble and some have a lot. It's really a crap shoot but by starting off not coming from a cold turkey that's way better. :)

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Thank you for your response. Today has been my first two post and it’s neat to see people who understand replying and giving their insights. I had watched from the side for a while now. Hopefully you are healing up. I like that they say we all heal. I need to honestly try to limit my time here as I feel it’s probably not so healthy. I just feel understood here in a really hard to understand situation as is benzo withdrawal. Best of luck to you on your recovery journey.

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15 hours ago, [[n...] said:

I truly believe the length of time on and amount means nothing and I have read SOOOO many posts on the topic. I was on 5/6 weeks and it happened to me. I've had a way harder time than some people on decades. The brain adaptation/injury can occur quickly or after a longer amount of time. Once it's there and your body is dependent to function on it, then healing needs to take place once off. Taper at a speed that works for you and use the group. Some have no/little trouble and some have a lot. It's really a crap shoot but by starting off not coming from a cold turkey that's way better. :)

what method are you using to taper? Dry cut or liquid? Cut and hold or microtaper?

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