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Do you feel better after benzo?


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I have been taking Klonopin, and I am getting off if it.

My anxiety is still bad, and might always will be.. but.. at least I'll be off of the poison.

Does anyone ever feel LESS anxious and depressed in daily life once off benzos... or just happy they are off the poison?

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I didn't take Klonopin for anxiety, I wanted sleep but I soon learned what anxiety was when I grew tolerant to my dose and when I quit cold turkey, holy cow, I learned how awful it is.  Once I recovered, I returned to my normal state, the anxiety disappeared and I was so grateful to be off the drug and recovered from my use.  

There are times I'll experience anxiousness, just normal jitters when something happens I'm not prepared for but it's nothing like what the drug produces. 

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I can only imagine that you will feel better.  I think even when I was first taking benzos my brain was depressed.  Just a numb depressed instead of the heightened depression I feel now 

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