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All alone and scared


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My husband just passed away and I'm tapering k and i'm alone now .  I'm so scared and alone . I don't have anyone. i need someone to talk too.

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Hi Robbin,  I'm sorry about your husband.  That is awful and I'm sorry you are going through the loss of him and dealing with benzo.  I know how it feels to be afraid and alone.  I have my dogs, and they seem to stick beside me like glue.  Do you have any pets? 

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Hi Robbin, I'm so sorry for what your going through. I saw someone say one time that one of the best things that helps is distraction. I know now that is so true. I hope you can find someone that you can sit and talk with. Somewhere, anywhere. 

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Hi. I hate this for you, I am so sorry for your loss. Do you have a neighbor or anyone who can sit with you if you feel up for having someone to talk to in person? Please lean on anyone you can think of in your life that can stop by or FaceTime or be an ear on the phone if you feel that is what you need. I know it can be super hard to reach out in this process when we want or need bc our nervous systems are on edge, but if you want that connection, please follow your heart.

This group will always be here too!! Sending many many hugs your way and reach out here and let us know how we can help you. 

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