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Struggling with dizziness and irratibility


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After almost 3 months off of xanax, I must say I am better. I feel like now my symptoms comes in waves. It starts out of the blue with a dizziness sensation (kind of like a brain zap). Then I have dizziness off and on for a little while, and I feel extremely irritable. If someone is talking to me its hard to just sit and listen. I feel so annoyed.

Also, i can be lying down and if i place my hand on my forehead a wave of dizziness will come. I know its weird but i don't know what thats about. Sometimes the wave will come other times for no reason. 

I'm curious if anyone else is having dizziness episodes and what it feels like. I've tried to explain this to my doctor, a neurologist,my psychiatrist. It's hard to describe. I'm 95% sure its not physical so maybe stress? I don't feel anxious but maybe its there underneath it all.

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ddawg hello .

These are classic withdrawal symptoms. You are at the beginning of your withdrawal after three months. Have patience and lots of love with yourself.

There are several threads on the old BenzoBuddies forum reporting cases of dizziness, shock and mostly irritation.

Hugs from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and welcome to Benzobuddies.:thumbsup:


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What you are describing in one of the several WD symptoms that a person can experience. You’re not alone in these feelings… i tapered way too fast off of Ativan and experienced these symptoms very intensely. Keep up the fight. You’re not alone.


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I've nearly passed out twice, or it felt that way.

Dizziness scares me. I'm dizzy every day but when it comes on intensely it's extremely distressing. I couldn't move my head, I couldn't stand and even struggled to crawl. 

It's normal in withdrawal and you're very early yet. I'm 7 months out CT

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