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Blank mind


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Yesterday was my 1 year off Klonopin after 20 years of taking and I'm still having issues of my mind being blank all the time. I don't ever have anything to add to a conversation. It's hard to form sentences? Does anyone else go through this and if so when did your mind come back to you? 

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Good job! :clap:.

I have it in waves. 800mg magnesium each day works for me. Cheap on ebay!

I'm in a hardware and software upgrade on my computer. I write down when and how to do it when my brain is functioning 

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I had a lot of difficulty forming sentences while I was recovering, its like my mouth wouldn't work and it made me really subconscious.  This left me when I fully recovered so I'm hopeful this will happen for you too.

As for supplements, do you handle them well, some members react negatively, so  I suggest you start small if you decide to add anything new. 

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